
44 <a href="http://www.mca-marines.org/gazette">www.mca-marines.org/gazette</a> M a r i n e C o r p s G a z e t t e • M a y 2 0 0 9 IDEAS & ISSUES (LEADERSHIP) ture, in contrast, allows more cohesion and a joint effort at leadership tasks. The results of their longitudinal study were that groups with fewer men in them have less centralized leadership struc- tures, and group work was perceived more positively with a decentralized leadership style and equality in groups. The teamwork concept produces a “we” not “me” consensus in the organ- ization and aids in mission accomplish- ment for the individual and the whole. Women officers’ transformational lead- ership style is more likely to focus on team-oriented goals within the organi- zation. Conclusion As the battlefield changes, so have our dynamics within the military. Women leading men is a revolutionary topic, and it has widened the parame- ters of leadership research. Many women in these high-ranking positions are pioneers in their fields. For in- stance, an active duty female major general in the Marine Corps or a rear admiral in the Navy is currently one of eight female rear admirals/major gen- erals in the Navy and Marine Corps.14 The scarcity of women officers in the military should entice further studies to gain more insight into why and how these women continue to accept this challenge. The military has provided the opportunity for female officers to crack the glass ceiling and display in- novative leadership in a male domi- nated environment. Notes 1. Women in Military Service for America Me- morial, av<a href="http://WomensMemorial.org">ailable at Women’sMemorial.org,</a> 2003. 2. “Women in Defense,” Defense Link, DoD, Washington, DC, available at <a href="http://www.defenselink.mil/prhome/poprep2002/appendixb/b_32.htm">http://www.de-</a> <a href="http://www.defenselink.mil/prhome/poprep2002/appendixb/b_32.htm">fenselink.mil/prhome/poprep2002/appen-</a> <a href="http://www.defenselink.mil/prhome/poprep2002/appendixb/b_32.htm">dixb/b_32.htm, accessed 10 A</a>pril 2007. 3. USMC Concepts & Programs, “Marine Corps Almanac,” Headquarters Marine Corps, Wash- ington, DC, 2007, p. 229. 4. Eagly, Alice H., and Steven J. Karau, “Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders,” Psychological Review, Washington, DC, 2002, pp. 573–598. 5. Walker, Karen M., “Women leading men: A look into the phenomenon of leadership from the perspective of women officers in the mili- tary,” ProQuest, posted in 2008 as UMI No. Capella3324. 6. Ibid. 7. Judge, Timothy A., Christine L. Jackson, John C. Shaw, Brent A. Scott, and Bruce L. Rich, “Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Perform- ance: The integral role of individual differ- ences,” Journal of Applied Psychology, Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 107–127. 8. Roberts, Richard D., Moshe Zeidner, and Gerald Matthews,“Does emotional intelligence meet traditional standards for an intelligence? Some new data and conclusions,” Emotion, Washington, DC, 2001, pp. 196–231. 9. Porter, L. and A. Stone, “Are there really gen- der differences in coping? A reconsideration of previous data and results from a daily study,” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, New York, pp. 184–202. 10. Butler, Lisa and Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, “Gender differences in responses to depressed mood in a college sample,” Sex Roles, 1994, Stanford, CA, pp. 331–346. 11. Kouzes, J. and B. Posner, The Leadership Challenge, Josey-Bass A. Wiley Company, San Francisco, CA, 2002. 12. Anderson, Neil, Filip Lievens, Karen von Dam, and Marise Born, “A construct-driven in- vestigation of gender differences in a leadership- role assessment center,” Journal of Applied Psychology, Washington, DC, 2006, pp. 555– 566. 13. Berdahl, Jennifer and Cameron Anderson, “Men, women, and leadership centralization in groups over time,” Group Dynamics: Theory, Re- search, and Practice, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 2005, pp. 45–57. 14. “ Marine Corps Almanac,” p. 229.


ailable at Women’sMemorial.org,



dixb/b_32.htm, accessed 10 A