
<a href="http://www.mca-marines.org/gazette">www.mca-marines.org/gazette</a> 39 M a r i n e C o r p s G a z e t t e • M a y 2 0 0 9 Learning is usually greater when stu- dents are engaged in the subject mate- rial. A more engaged learner exhibits higher retention and assimilation of ma- terial taught. Through a self-motivated education one is more likely to evaluate the worth of his pursuit and the quality of his work. This self-evaluation be- comes important during the Boyd cycle because Marines will be more critical of their thought processes thus ensuring that important pieces of information are not overlooked, resulting in faulty ori- entation on the problem. Achieving this level of self-education requires leaders to not only encourage self-education but also to provide guidance for how to pur- sue it. Just like any attitude a com- mander wants his unit to adopt, this idea must be regularly addressed and, more importantly, practiced by the lead- ership. Mistakes must be tolerated and failure learned from. Most adults learn best by doing or performing a particular ac- tion. This is because performing a mul- tiple process function involves more parts of the brain resulting in greater retention of knowledge. Using more areas of the brain where knowledge can be stored increases the potential recall of information. By creating an environ- ment that tolerates honest mistakes, Marines will be more willing to be proactive and thus attempt to do more things on their own, which then leads to increased experiences. This idea should not sound new. MCDP 1, Warfighting, addresses this issue, ex- plaining that successful after-action cri- tiques require commanders to be willing to tolerate mistakes by subordi- nates. By being willing to accept mis- takes there will be a greater willingness to offer new or alternative ideas. As Marines become comfortable with this practice they will become better prob- lem solvers and ultimately provide more creative decisions. An important aspect of this ap- proach is to teach Marines how to deal with failure. Simple methods include analyzing a mistake to determine the cause of failure. This analysis should be used as a learning opportunity to ex- pose the flaw in the Marine’s thought process, to see why that flaw caused negative results. Marines who are trained to see failure as an opportunity for growth will be more willing to seek innovation rather than the predictable solution and will be better suited to handle failure caused by uncontrollable factors. This increased adaptability will enhance their abilities to function in fluid environments. Doctrinal principles must form the foundation of a cooperative training style. Principle-based training, which pro- vides more natural and instinctive re- sponses to externally imposed forces than attempting to apply techniques and procedures, is a superior method of training than using TTP. From this 1600 Marshall Circle Dupont, WA 98327 RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Studios,Cottages 1 & 2 Bedroom Units Rentals with No Buy-In INCOME TAX FREE STATE You’ve Served Us! Now Let Us Serve You! ” “Mywifesetarecord of 129 Filet Mignons the first year we lived here. It’s great when you aren’t in the mood for the special, to have an entire menu to choose from with a default of filet mignon. Tex Watson Capt., USMC, Ret. ” “Mywifeand I chose Patriots Landing for its proximity to Madigan Army Medical Center and having onsite care for the future. Plus, the transportation to the bases is a big benefit. 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R erre a uo yyo s eh tr offo do o m na evve ah ot ot un e m a hhtt m i wwi m orroffr te lfi fo ex W TTe Capt., USM ” t ni t’ ,ll,a ic ep s erre itn e n ssoo oo t hc lu affa ed .n on giig mWWa MC, Ret. s ” “ nna effe i wwi y M stts oirri ta PPa es oh c I sttstts iirr ooffof gn id na L ot yt i m ix orro p y rm A na gi da M dn a re tn eC la ci de M erre ac et isn o ggn ivvi ah ,ss,ullu PPl .erre ut uffu eh tr offo no ita trrt opssp narra t eh t a si se sa b eh t ot .tfi en eb gi b ved U ved U ou’ve Serrv e Serrv Y Yo No ve Y Now Let Us Serrv Don Semon D TC, USMC, Ret. L Us!Us! ou! 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(Photo by Cpl Antonio Rosas.)



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