
77 정상부의 위치한 2개의 벙커는 감시 조소 및 방어 시설물의 역할을 했다. 2개의 벙커 중 벙커 #2는 벙커 #1에 가까이 위치해 있으며 두꺼운 철근과 시멘트로 견고하게 구축하였고, 밖을 관측할 수 있는 총안*이 사다리꼴 모양으로 만들어졌다. 이 군사시설물은 태평양전쟁 말기 수세에 몰린 일본군이 제주도를 저항 기지로 삼았던 침략의 역사를 보여주는 곳이다. *총안: 몸을 숨긴 채로 총을 쏘기 위하여, 성벽, 보루 따위에 뚫어 놓은 구멍 [영문] Tunnel Fortifications of Imperial Japan on Eoseungsaengak Volcanic Cone, Jeju (Bunker #2) Registered Cultural Heritage No. 307 The Tunnel Fortifications of Imperial Japan on Eoseungsaengak Volcanic Cone, Jeju was built during the final days of the Pacific War (1941-1945) by the imperial Japanese Army for use as a last resort to replace the nearby Tunnel Fortifications of Imperial Japan on Gamaoreum Volcanic Cone, Jeju (Registered Cultural Heritage No.308) stationed by the headquarters of the Japanese 58th Army in the event of its fall to the Allied Forces. Eoseungsaengak, the volcanic cone containing this bunker, was regarded as a key strategic point overlooking the entire city of Jeju. The remaining fortification consists of two bunkers built around the summit of the volcanic cone and three underground tunnels on the upper and lower parts of its main ridge. The two bunkers located around the top of the volcanic cone were used as observation posts and to defend the summit area. Of the two, the one on the lower part (Bunker #2) was sturdly with thick rebars and concrete, and it has a trapezoidal hole used for observation.