
346 Anti-aircraft Emplacement of Imperial Japan on Sedaroreum Volcanic Cone, Jeju The anti-aircraft emplacements in Altteureu Airfield are military facilities built by the Japanese to protect against air attack from the US in 1937, when the the second Sin-Japanese War broke out. In 1943, the original ones were replaced with concrete structures supposedly equipped with updated guns with a shooting range of 20km against American B-29 bombers. 안내판 설명 2 [한글] 제주 셋알오름 일제고사포진지 등록문화재 316호, 1945년 무렵 건립 서귀포시 대정읍 상모리 316번지 외 이 시설물은 당시 전략적으로 매우 중요하게 여겨진 일뜨르 비행장을 보호하기 위한 군사 시설이다. 1945년 무렵에 원형의 콘크리트 구조물로 구축된 고사포 진지로, 5기의 고사포 진지 중 4기는 완공되고, 나머지 1기는 미완공된 상태이다. 일제 강점기에 일본군 군사 시설의 하나로 태평양전쟁 말기. 수세에 몰린 일본이 제주도를 저항 기지로 삼고자 했던 증거를 보여주는 시설물이다. [영문] Japanese-made Anti-aircraft Emplacement at Sesaloreum in Jeju Registered Cultural Heritage No.316, built in Around 1945 This military facility was built to protect Altteureu airfield, which was considered to be of high strategic importance at the time. Constructed around 1945, this anti-aircraft emplacement is a circular concrete structure with four completed artillery positions and one unfinished positions. As a Japanese military facility from the colonial period (1910-45), it stands as evidence of Japan’s attempt to turn Jeju into a resistance base in the face of defeat at the end of the Pacific War.