
286 2중대가 주둔했다. 1949년 1월 12일 새벽, 무장대가 의귀초등학교를 습격하여 전투가 벌어졌는데 ,이 때 군인 4명과 무장대 51명이 사망했다. 이 습격사건에 대한 보복으로 군인들은 의귀초등학교에 수용 중이던 80여명의 주민들을 학교 동녘 밭에서 학살해버렸다. 이 때 희생자들은 현재 "현의합장묘"에 안장되어 있다. 학교는 4·3사건이 소강상태로 접어든 1949년 8월 1일 남원초등학교 의귀분교장으로 다시 문을 열었고, 4·3사건으로 인해 졸업장을 받지 못했던 학생들은 2003년에 명예졸업장을 받았다. [영문] Uigwi Elimentary School * Elementary schools (Chodeung Hakgyo) were called ‘national people’s schools (Gukmin Hakgyo)’ from 1941 to 1996. Uigwi Elementary School was founded as Uigwi Temporary School attached to Nanwon Public Elementary School and has remained until today. During the Jeju 4·3 Incident, Uigwi Elementary School served as the school district's community where children from the four villages of Uigwi-ri, Sumang-ri, Hannam-ri and Sinheung-ri attended together. Uigwi Elementary School was closed down on December 15. 1948 at the height of the Jeju 4·3 Incident. Shortly after that, on December 26, the 2th Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Regiment of the Army began stationing in the school building. At dawn on January 12, 1949, an armed resistance group attacked Uigwi Elementary School, and in that combat four soldiers and 51 members of the armed resistance group lost their lives. In revenge, the soldiers massacred 80 civilians, who were accommodated in the school building, in the fiend east of the school. Those victims were buried in the mass grave Hyeonwihapjangmyo. When the Jeju 4·3 Incident came a lull, on August 1, 1949, the school opened again as the Uigwi Branch school of Nanwon Elementary School and the students who could not receive their graduation certificates during the Jeju 4·3 Incident, received honorary graduation certificates later in 2003.