87 istered in cholera-afflicted areas in Haiti, Guinea, South Su- dan, India and Bangladesh to an estimated 1 million or more people. Currently IVI is developing campaigns that make the impact of these diseases relatable to those outside of the scientific community. In July, IVI launched the video campaign Choose Your World, which shows what a significant impact small do- nations can make. The three-minute video depicts the cut- ting-edge research, development and vetting of new vaccines and vaccine delivery to at-risk regions. At the end of October, IVI created Deadly Beauty, a cam- paign in which models are adorned with what look like works of art but are actually the cellular images of eight neglected diseases. Locals and expats in Seoul participated via in-kind donations of time and energy. A third campaign geared toward the Korean population is called KIKI (Kids Helping Kids). This campaign educates children on the fun aspects of science and the rewards of charitable giving. Kits have been created in Korea that consist of a “Glow-Germ” experiment, which allow children to to see “germs” on their hands through a solution and light. The kits also include the campaign’s mascot, Sam the Bear, an edu- cational coloring book and a piggy bank to encourage kids to save money and donate to charity. The kits are currently being passed out in classrooms throughout the country. “If we can teach people what these diseases are, they can begin to understand the impact they can have on developing countries,” Thomas said. “It’s not only through monetary do- nations, but through creating awareness on any level, from volunteering in this campaign to simply clicking a button to share it on Facebook, we can raise awareness for something that really does matter.” MorE Info j IVI website: www.ivi.int Deadly Beauty campaign: www.facebook.com/events/726282870795781 ‘IN THE DEVELOPED wOrLD, MANy HAVE FOrGOTTEN THE DAyS wHEN wHOOPING COuGH, POLIO AND MEASLES wErE DEADLy ILLNESSES. THIS IS THANKFuLLy bECAuSE OF VACCINATION. THE POOr PEOPLE wE SErVE DO NOT HAVE THE LuXury TO CHOOSE bETwEEN rECEIVING A VACCINE Or GOING wITHOuT IT.’ Deborah Hong, head of communications and advocacy Anti-stress Medical Head Spa Anti-Aging Medical Head Spa Luxury Medical Head Spa Aromatherapy Scaling (Scalp peeling procedure) Scalp therapy (RF scalp regeneration therapy) Hair therapy (OX-therapy) Nourishing and revitalizing mask packs based on organic ingredients Relaxing massage (shoulders, neck area) Acupuncture herbal injections Nutrient cocktail (BB food) Duration 2 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs Price 155 USD 264 USD 450 USD Comprehensive mediCal head spa treatment program The following spa treatment procedures stimulate growth, re- store scalp lipid balance and slow down the hair bulb aging process, which is one of the reasons for the appearance of gray hair. After the spa treatment procedure your hair will be silky, shiny and manageable, and will gain volume and vitality. * Luxury Medical Head Spa includes a special gift package of LMW Scalp tonic 70 ml with LMW Immune-up shampoo 150ml Each medical head spa program includes • Diagnosis of scalp & hair • Consultation with Dr. Lee Moon Won • Medical Hair Lab service — A clever cut by a top hair stylist to emphasize your best features and create a feel-good hair style that suits you +82-2-511-1079 (calling from overseas) (02) 511-1079 (calling in Korea) 3F, Lee and Yoo Building, 69-5 Chungdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Cheongdam Neighborhood Park Jinheung Billa Eastern Parangon Woori Bank Cheongdam Catholic Church Cheonggu Apt. Nara Tower Millennium Wedding Hall Ivy Dental Clinic VIPS LMW Korean Medicine Clinic Cheongdam Stn. Line7 Exit 12 L & U Building 3rd Floor