71 Ingredients • 2 tbsp olive oil • 2 big beets, peeled and diced (or shredded) • 1 carrot, chopped • 1 tomato, diced • 4 potatoes, diced (peel or don’t peel, up to you) • 1/2 cabbage, thinly sliced • 1 onion, diced • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced • 1 tbsp lemon juice • Dried parsley • Salt and pepper Quickie vegetarian borscht Beets in Korea are usually sold without the greens (which is a shame, because they’re delicious), wrapped in plastic and tucked somewhere in the refrigerated section on the wall, near the lemons and avocados. You’ll see them — just scan carefully. Start by slicing and dicing everything — this repre- sents about 80 percent of all the work you’ll need to do for this soup — and then heat the olive oil in your biggest soup pot over medium heat and add all the veg- etables. Toss the mixture around a bit, add a healthy dash of salt, then cover and cook for 10 minutes (give it a stir once or twice in the interim). Once the veggies have softened somewhat, add 2 liters or so of water, enough to cover everything plus about 2 inches, then crank up the heat and bring the soup to a boil. When it’s really rollin’ you should cover the pot and lower the heat to medium so it can simmer without boiling over. Thirty minutes later, remove the pot from the heat and stir in the lemon juice, parsley and pepper. Serve it tra- ditionally, with a blob of sour cream or mayonnaise and a sprinkle of fresh dill, or serve it naked — the soup, I mean (but only kinda). Serve it traditionally, with a blob of sour cream or mayonnaise and a sprinkle of fresh dill, or serve it naked — the soup, I mean (but only kinda).