51 Transfer your funds overseas as soon as you receive them. Should you lose or damage your card, forget any of your passwords or exceed the overseas remittance limit of $50,000, you would have to visit a branch in Korea with your ID to solve these problems. Dear Shinhan Expat Banking, In all the fuss of leaving Korea, I forgot to take care of my bank- ing affairs! Please advise on the following: 1. I am now back overseas, but I still need to use my Shinhan card for the time being. 2. I saved my online banking digital certificate to an external USB flash drive, which I left in Korea. Is there any way to set up my online banking again, only this time on my computer here in the United States? 3. I will be closing my Shinhan bank account next month as I am still awaiting payments from my former employer. What steps will I need to take at that time? —Departed Dear Departed, First and foremost, please take note of this number: +82 (02) 3449-8380; you can call it between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Korea time. With regard to the points you made above, here is what I can tell you: 1. You do not need to notify Shinhan Bank that you will be using your card abroad; however, if you have any problems, call the num- ber above and ask to be transferred to Shinhan Card. Provided that you have an international card (Visa/MasterCard), you should have no problem in accessing your funds. • Please note that general withdrawal limits tend to be up to $6,000 per day and $20,000 per month, but check on your spe- cific situation as these limits can sometimes be higher. • Cash withdrawals will accrue a fee of 1 percent of the withdrawal amount, plus a $3 charge per transaction. • Purchases made using your card will accrue a charge of 1.2 percent of the amount. 2. To apply for online banking, you must visit a branch — in Ko- rea — with both your passport and alien registration card. In your case, it seems you might be able to visit the online banking page www.shinhan.com/en (Internet Explorer only), where you normally visit and enter the Digital Certificate Center to issue or reissue the certificate. If you are a Mac user, the Digital Certificate Center via our eZplus software also provides this option. If you encounter any problems while doing this, please call the aforementioned number. 3. You cannot close a bank account unless you visit a branch in Korea with your ID, in accordance with the Real Name Transac- tions Law. This is why we usually suggest that people close their accounts before they leave. Once you have transferred your funds from your account, you may just leave the account dormant. You will not be charged any fees for doing so. Finally, we advise that you transfer your funds overseas as soon as you receive them. Should you lose or damage your card, forget any of your passwords or exceed the overseas remittance limit of $50,000, you would have to visit a branch in Korea with your ID to solve these problems. Given that you have left Korea for good, this could entail a costly trip back to Korea if this were to happen to you.