K E Y P E O P L E KOREA 4th foor, Shinwoo Bldg. 5-7 Yongsan 3-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea. All rights reserved Groove Korea Magazine 2014 © publisher Sean Choi sean@groovekorea.com CfO Steve Seung-Jin Lee steve.lee@groovekorea.com Contact info (010) 5348-0212 / (02) 6925-5057 Web, I.T. Dan Himes danhimes@groovekorea.com marketing Executive Jay Park jpark@groovemedia.co.kr Art Director Park Seong-eun sam@groovekorea.com Editorial Director Elaine Ramirez elaine@groovekorea.com Insight Editor Matthew Lamers Community Editor Jenny Na jenny@groovekorea.com Editor-at-large John M. Rodgers jmrseoul@gmail.com manager Peter Chong eschong@groovekorea.com Design Adviser Prof. Kim Duck-mo Advertising ads@groovekorea.com general inquiries info@groovekorea.com music & Arts Editor Emilee Jennings emilee@groovekorea.com food & Destinations Editor Shelley DeWees Accounting Choi Hye-won m a r K E t I n G & a d m I n I s t r a t I O n a r t & d E s I G n E d I t O r I a L CREDITS - CONTRIbuTORS The articles are the sole property of GROOVE MEDIA CO. Ltd. No reproduction is permitted without the express written consent of GROOVE MEDIA CO. Ltd. The opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. To contribute to Groove Korea, email submissions@groovekorea.com or the appropriate editor. To write a letter to the editor, email editor@groovekorea.com. To have Groove Korea delivered to your home or business, email subscribe@groovekorea.com. To promote your event, email events@groovekorea.com. To advertise, email ads@groovekorea.com. W r I t E r s & P r O O f r E a d E r s Adam Ellerson, Alejandro Callirgos, Alexander Hall, Andrew Stokols, Anita McKay, Anna Schlotjes, Annie Narae Lee, Anthony Greene, Anthony Levero, Beryl Sinclair, Christopher Green, Connor Dearing, Conor O’Reilly, Conrad Hughes, Daniel Kang, Dave Hazzan, David Phillips, Dean Crawford, Deva Lee, Eileen Cahill, Gaea Dill-Dascoli, Gareth Sharp, George Kalli, Haeryun Kang, Harold Swindall, Hyunwoo Sun, Ian Henderson, Ian McClellan, Jamie Keener, Jayson Moore, Jean Poulot, John Power, Josh Doyle, Kellie Ell, Ken Fibbe, Ken Hall, Kyndra Love, Laine Ritter, Leslie Finlay, Liam Mitchinson, Matt VanVolkenburg, Megan Fox, Nate Finch, Paul Sharkie, Rajnesh Sharma, Remy Raitt, Ron Roman, Ryan Ritter, Sarah Edge, Sean Maylone, Shane Torr, Shireen Tofig, Simon Hunter- Williams, Simon Powell, Simon Slater, Sophie Boladeras, Stephanie Anglemyer, Stephanie MacDonald, Timothy Cushing, Tom Godfrey, Walter Stucke, Wilfred Lee P h O t O G r a P h E r s & I L L u s t r a t O r s Adam Paul Czelusta, Aimee Anne, Andrew Faulk, Christina Singer, Colin Dabbs, Craig Stuart, Darren Farrell, Dirk Schlottmann, Don Sin, Dylan Goldby, Fergus Scott, Hannah Green, James Anderson, James Kim, Jen Lee, Jessica Lia, Jon Linke, Jungeun Jang, Kaegan Saenz, Kevin Kilgore, Merissa Quek, Michael Hurt, Michael Roy, Min Pang, Mirela Pencheva, Monika Traikov, Nathan Shacochis, Nicholas Stonehouse, Nina Sawyer, Pat Volz, Peter DeMarco, Rob Green, Robyn Viljoen, Sabrina Hill, Samantha Whittaker, Turner Hunt, Vanessa Sae-hee Burke Illustration Director Wilfred Lee wilfred@groovemedia.co.kr grooveCast host Chance Dorland chance@groovemedia.co.kr Senior Copy Editor Jaime Stief Copy Editors Kevin Lee Selzer, Daniel Deacon, Bryoney Hayes Social media Editor Merissa Quek Events Editor Celeste Maturen celeste@groovekorea.com Some of the editors, writers and photographers behind this month’s issue george Kalli jaime Stief Sophie boladeras U.S. Canada New Zealand George Kalli arrived in Seoul from Anchorage, Alaska, in September 2012 to work as an engineer. While in Korea, his two main goals are to travel as much of Asia as possible and to convince more drinking establishments to offer his favorite buzz-inducing substance, Fernet. So far, he has been to many more countries than bars that serve Fernet in Seoul. Jaime is from Waterloo, Ontario, and has lived in Seoul since June 2012. Her MA is in Communications, but that doesn’t always translate to being able to speak coherently. When she isn’t at work, she’s busy trying to build up a tolerance to spicy food. She follows more blogs than she cares to admit. Jaime is Groove Korea’s senior copy editor. Sophie was born and raised in the land of the long white cloud also known as New Zealand. She studied journalism and media arts before heading overseas to float around, getting acquainted with a small slice of the world. She is currently free - lancing and enjoying all of the delights that Korea has to offer. Beryl grew up in a pine forest in Massachu- setts. After studying philosophy in Scotland, she moved to Seoul where she plays backgam- mon and tends to her windowsill nasturtiums. She studies traditional fermentation and, from moonshine to makgeolli, is an avid brewer. She runs an urban gardening project in the center of the city and is happiest with dirt under her fingernails. beryl Sinclair U.S. John M. Rodgers is a founding editor of The Three Wise Monkeys webzine. He’s contribu- ted to the New York Times, International He- rald Tribune, Asia Times, various Korean dailies, and worked as a beat reporter at a local paper in the U.S. state of New Hampshire, where he grew up. He’s currently studying and working at Dartmouth College. John is Groove Korea’s editor-at-large. john m. Rodgers U.S.