
www.groovekorea.com / October 2014 96 Edited by Emilee Jennings (emilee@groovekorea.com) muSIC & ARTS T here is something to be said for stories that leave im- ages swimming in your psyche long after the last word has been read. Oxford-based writer L.P. Lee has that knack, and after reading her Korean-inspired piece “The Man Root” you will probably never look at a piece of ginseng in the same way again. Her haunting short stories are inspired by geography, culture and social practices, and they will soon be adapted for the screen. Groove Korea caught up with Lee to find out more about her writing process, influences and future plans. Writer explores her connection to the complexities of Korean culture Disturbing but beautiful S t o r y b y R e m y R a i t t / I l l u s t r a t i o n b y A n n i e R i d d / P h o t o s b y K l a r ke C a p l i n