www.groovekorea.com / September 2014 90 GrooveCast Chance and Dan give you a taste of their upcoming variety show podcast via Groove Korea’s own podcast, GrooveCast. Check out the episode at groovekorea.com. Edited by Elaine Ramirez (elaine@groovekorea.com) COMMuNITy MorE INFo j Chance & Dan Do Korea When: Sept. 12, 9 p.m. Where: Rocky Mountain Tavern Website: chancedorland.podomatic.com ChanCe & dan do korea a n a u d i e n c e - B a s e d l i v e p o d c a s t f o r t H e e x p a t c o m m u n i t y K orea’s expat community will soon have its own late- night talk show for local news and entertainment. The live podcast show, Chance & Dan Do Korea, empha- sizes the importance of the average person’s voice through audience participation through dialogue about the country. The project is the brainchild of Chance Dorland, a regular con- tributor to Groove Korea and the voice behind GrooveCast, and Dan Wiberg, the host and creator of the Seoul International Com- edy Competition. After three years of working together, the vet- eran podcast duo is bringing a dynamic radio show specifically to the expat community. “This show is unique in that not only is it live, but it will also have a variety of guests, talent and news in each episode,” says Wiberg. “It’s something I’ve never heard of for expats in Korea before.” The variety of Korean bands, comedic groups and guests is sure to entertain and engage the audience in conversations about the country that many are adopting as their home. The “newsmaker” component of the show discusses local cur- rent events with an expert who is up to date on what’s happening around the country. Dorland says the expat community will benefit from the newsmaker, as many people cannot easily access day- to-day news stories due to language barriers. These weekly live recordings will not be like typical talk shows in which only the hosts talk with the guests, but a platform for broader discussion about issues related to Korea. Dorland and Wiberg expect the expat community to interact with the entertain- ers and newsmakers, with attendees welcome to ask questions, voice their thoughts and share their personal stories about being an expat. Popular expat comedian Wassim, indie rock band Baekma and expat journalist John Power are scheduled to appear on the first recording. The podcast is sponsored by Groove Korea, Rocky Mountain Tavern, Seoul Homebrew and other local businesses. A Facebook event is advertising the first show, and a Facebook page will con- tinue to promote future recordings. The new live podcast will keep the community in the loop on what’s happening around town in an interactive setting. “If you come to one of our events, you can participate just as much as us, especially if you’re funny or disagree with what we’re saying,” says Dorland. “In the end, all I really want is to have great conversations about Korea and our fantastic lives here.” The first live podcast recording of Chance & Dan Do Korea is on Sept. 12 at 9 p.m. at Rocky Mountain Tavern in Itaewon. Story by Elizabeth Kim / Poster courtesy of Chance and Dan Do Korea