
75 You have played at some pretty big music festivals in Korea. Which one did you enjoy the most? Lee: Our first big festival debut at the Jisan Valley Rock Festival in 2011 was memorable for us. The Busan Rock Festival and Su- perSonic Festival last year were also more than great. What is your creative process in making a track? Lee: Basically, I make every track and let other band members listen to them later on. We then play them over and over again to- gether at a rehearsal studio and refine them until we’re all satisfied. Where do you fnd inspiration for your lyrics? Lee: It comes from everywhere actually: from my friends, from relationships, from current affairs and from the voice deep inside me. Everything happens around you, and even small things can be- come the most inspirational ones. It seems like it’s all random, but you always have to focus on what’s happening out there and try to not just focus on yourself. You have to listen to others and listen to what’s happening right now. I think that’s the most important thing. How has the indie rock music scene in Seoul changed since the ‘90s? Do you think it has improved? Lee: In the ‘90s, most bands played heavy metal, so there was a big metal scene and they focused on particular genres. Now, people are playing their own stuff and you can’t even judge what sort of genre they play. It’s a good thing that many kinds of musical styles exist at the same time, but sometimes they are just following the trends. People have a tendency to play more trendy music rather than music that’s unique and has its own character. I think that’s the only negative aspect of the scene right now: There’s a sort of limitation here because of the limited scene that we play. As a result, there aren’t a lot of ways to promote our music to a larger audience — something we hope to improve in the future. What are your aspirations for HarryBigButton in the coming months? Lee: In the near future we’d love to perform for global audiences and to eventually become one of the best hard rock bands in rock history. Rock ’n’ roll! Got any big shows coming up? Lee: We played at the Pentaport Rock Festival this past summer, and we hope to play at other big festivals in the coming year. So please come and join us!