
j u n e 2 0 1 4 h o r o s c o P e s 98 Think before you speak. Before you have to pry your foot out of your mouth, keep in mind who you’re talk- ing to and what you’re talking about. A lesson learned too late could put you in a sticky situation this month. Romance brightens the weekends. Scorpio is involved. Simple pleasures give you the greatest joy this month. Time spent with family puts you in the right frame of mind. News of a breakup may come suddenly but it won’t surprise you. Leo is involved. Change in the workplace means new opportunities for you. Watch your temper. A difficult choice hits you like a ton of bricks this month. Whether you spend seconds or days deciding, you’ll come to the same conclusion if you follow your heart. A second meeting with Aries will change a bad first im- pression. Perhaps you misjudged the enigmatic Ram. Leo’s decision will have a positive impact on your month. A small — but significant — part of your life will become much easier. Virgo’s ideas provide food for thought. This month, canceled plans leave you with free time to do whatever you please. Enjoy! Good news comes. A strange coincidence early in the month will renew your belief in fate. Been feeling down in the dumps lately? It may be time for a change of scene. A week- end getaway should charge your batteries. Gemini keeps you on your toes toward the month’s end. Pa- tience will be required. A sense of humor will come in handy early in the month. Your quick wit will be welcomed. Unexpected red tape will complicate a simple project. A romantic relationship needs some nurturing. Make the effort to do something special. Leo and Libra add fun to the month. An opportunity for advancement will seem to come out of nowhere. Before you decide to make a change, take a look at your long-term goals. Use your insight to better understand a friend’s behavior. You’ll see that everything is not as it seems on the surface. Fam- ily get-togethers highlight this month. An unfair situation will be the topic of discussion this month. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion or even offer a solution. You could make a difference. A rest- less mood could interfere with your productivity at work later in the month. You may as well give in and take a break. It’s time to step in and involve yourself with a problem at work. Take a stand and let others know your feel- ings. A strange dream early in the month may provide clues to something that’s been troubling you. Med- itation helps you focus. Artistic endeavors run with success. Setting unrealistic goals will only lead to disappoint- ment. Be fair to yourself by going for what’s reach- able. A new friend could be the source of inspiration for a creative endeavor. Be patient with difficult family members — especially Aries. New romance looks promising. An ongoing battle with a family member could be ironed out with some patience and understanding. Keep an open mind. If you’ve been putting off an im- portant project, now’s the time to dive in. You may find that it’s not as hard as you thought it would be. Creative thinking helps you figure out a way to stream- line your workflow. Don’t be afraid to share your ide- as with higher-ups. You may have to bid farewell to someone close to you. A bittersweet exit will put you in a melancholy mood. Positive thinking lifts your spir- its. Aries March 20 - April 20 Taurus April 21 - May 21 Cancer June 22 - July 22 Gemini May 22 - June 21 Leo July 23 - August 23 Virgo August 24 - September 23 Libra September 24 - October 23 Scorpio October 24 - November 22 Capricorn December 22 - January 19 Sagittarius November 23 - December 21 Aquarius January 20 - February 18 Pisces February 19 - March 19