
www.groovekorea.com / February 2014 6 InsIGhTInsIGhT 36 fEbRuARy 2014 ISSUE 88 FOOD AnD DRInK What’s in this issue COnTEnTs KIM JOnG-Un’s ChRIsTMAs POWER GRAB Kim Jong-un’s recent power grab does not necessarily indicate that he is immature or foolish; rather, it shows that he may be responding to the political climate. WELCOME INSIGHT FO OD & DRINK 38 - nEVER TOO EARLY TO PLAn YOUR RETIREMEnT Korea’s pension terminology complicates retirement planning. Review your pension options. 44 - An ODE TO IhERB Online grocer iHerb.com has a huge following in Korea, and one visit to the website will show you why; everything a hippie foodie ever wanted is available. 46 - PAnCAKEs! PAnCAKEs! PAnCAKEs! Armed with a spatula, you can march off into a Bisquick-free world and eat pancakes every day of the week, even in Korea. 40 - TO sURVIVE ThE COLD, TURn TO KOREA’s sOUL-WARMInG CUIsInE The promise of hot Korean food is the best thing to take the sting out of winter. Here’s a list of five must-have meals for the cold months. 04 - EDITORIAL “Breaking down barriers of ignorance” We are responsible for acting out against racism. 14 - KEY PEOPLE Introducing some of the editors, writers and photographers behind February’s issue 17 - ThE InBOx Opinions and feedback from readers 18 - MUsT READs A selection of our editors’ favorite articles 20 - On ThE COVER 22 - WhAT’s On Festivals, concerts, happy hours, networking and events for every day of the month 24 - ThE nEWs Prosecutor arrested for abusing power to help celebrity; international taxis in Seoul busted for overcharging foreigners; illegal Filipino nannies find way into affluent homes; expat haven of Sinchon receiving a rebirth 26 KOREA’s BLACK RACIsM EPIDEMIC It’s in the classroom, it’s in the media, it’s painful and it’s widespread. How did it get here, and can it be stopped?