
44•I Love Voca-Level 1 E 다음의 사전 뜻풀이에 맞는 단어를 <보기>에서 골라 쓰시오. 1. : a living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots 2. : better or more important than other people or things 3. : get knowledge or a skill through studying 4. : Having a strong desire to know about something 5. : the central part of something learn core special curious plant F 다음 밑줄 친 단어와 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 것을 고르시오. 1. This is the last game today. ①final ②night ③middle ④dark ⑤year 2. I am so upset because of him. ①happy ②angry ③pleased ④glad ⑤funny 3. There are many kinds of cookies. ①king ②tea ③excuse ④weather ⑤type 4. You should choose one of these. ①fail ②select ③hate ④blow ⑤miss 5. His answer is correct. ①cute ②wrong ③right ④rich ⑤handsome 6. We all want health and happiness. ①desire ②visit ③stay ④walk ⑤break 7. I have some interesting stories. ①core ②rest ③funny ④special ⑤curious