
강원도 DMZ관광 활성화 방안 연구 - 144 - the site as an international tourism destination, which is projected to increase the income of residents around DMZ regions and improve the brand value of Gangwon. Recently, plans to use DMZ as a tourism resource have been very active, particularly more in economic terms than environmental aspects, with stress on the development of the DMZ region. However, it has been argued that reckless development of the region may have serious natural, ecological, and human consequences. Consequently, some people have been attempting to recognize the importance and values of DMZ resources and have been discussing to have DMZ receive designation as a world heritage. In considering of these circumstances, DMZ tourism can be defined as the one and only tourism program that uses all the tangible and intangible tourism resources located in DMZ regions and are related to the formation of DMZ to offer tourists in a controlled environment lessons on the preciousness of freedom, the mystery of ecological environments resulting from the Cold War, first-hand experience of modern history, a view at related cultural relics and life of people living close to the border. DMZ regions in Gangwon boast of abundant historical and cultural resources, which include historical battlefieldsthe records of the conflict between the East and the West, vestiges of the Korean War, and the history of the Cold Warand the only ecological system formed throughout the 60-odd years of the Cold War. It is also rich in modern historical relics and serves as a museum of modern architectural history. Also included is the Mt. Geumgang tourism, which is the only way to pass through DMZ; the Plaza of Peace in Cheolwon, which is currently under construction as part of the three projects in the border regions in Gangwon; the Hills of Peace and Life in Inje; and the DMZ Museum in Goseong. All of these sites are potential tourism resources for the future of DMZ as a tourism destination.