
펠로폰네소스 전쟁에서의 ‘동맹의 안보딜레마’와 한ㆍ미 동맹 260 군사연구 제129집 (Abstract) League and Security Dilemma in the Peloponnesian War and Korea-VS Alliance - Choi Jong Woo - A principal subject of the Peloponnesian War is the security dilemma between Athens and Sparta as the leading powers of Greece. Influenced on the security dilemma, the war have broke out from the Ancient Greece era to the present. Therefore today all states are devoting themselves to develop a high-tech weapon system competitively. Thucydides definitely explained this cause of the war exploiting his book The Peloponnesian War and this article is based on his historic perception. This article will mainly discuss the strategic level that thucydides proposed over specific combats and tactics of this war and will explain alliance's security dilemma’, the cause of the war, surveying the outbreak and proceed of the early Peloponnesian War. Also, it will especially analyze alliance strategic of the minor powers. The formation is consisted of four parts. In introduction, this article mainly explain war and security dilemma. In main body, first, it'll explain alliance's security dilemma and concepts of abandonment and entrapment. Second, applying these concepts, it'll analyze the alliance strategic of minor powers between Delian and Peloponnesian League focusing early war situation. Third, taking a lesson from two alliance strategic of the minor states in the Peloponnesian war, this article will suggest desirable two alliance strategics of alliance between korea and U.S. In conclusion, this article will emphasize we have to understand important lesson of Ancient Greek War and apply modern security strategic. Key word : Peloponnesian War, Athens and Sparta, alliance's security dilemma, abandonment, entrapment ..