- 93 - 9. Key Issues on Truth & Reconciliation The limited three-year limited time of survey on 70-year long incidents and incomplete Revision Law do not work on time. The power shift of every government inclined to political issues turns the direction of Truth and Reconciliation Committee this way and that. Especially the Executive Directors of Truth & Reconciliation Committee (member consisting 4+4) recommended by each party are indulging in his own party policy and struggling political issues by their will. The working staffs are also consisted of half dispatched government officials and half recruiting researchers. Upper level is from government and lower level is researcher in large part. It causes discouragement of independence of researcher. One and half year since startup of the 2nd Committee did not make one of the Investigation Decision. It is the critical handicap and disadvantage of this inefficient system. The chronic bureaucracy does not open the door to the foreign professionals abroad. For instance, All Twenty Advisors for the Truth and Reconciliation Committee ARE NOT Recommended any one of the Foreign Professional Guru or the Bereaved Family Member. 10. Request for UN To Suggest to the Korean Government l Revision of Law of Truth & Reconciliation0 l Clarification of Truth and Facts of Korean War l Compensation for the Victim Bereaved Family l Special Law-Making of Rehappening Prevention l The Corpse Excavating & Eternal Placing Sites l Break-Out the National Security Act 11. Miscellaneous Issues THE NATIONAL SURVIVOR ASSOCIATION FOR THE KILLED BEFORE AND AFTER KOREAN WAR ▣ 김광동 추천한 국힘 책임져라, 총선 떄 "낙선운동 벌일수도"[오마이뉴스] 한국전쟁전후민간인피학살자 전국유족회 기자회견 열고 '국민의힘' 책임론 거론 23.09.01 13:14l최종 업데이트 23.09.01 13:14l 이영일(ngo201)