91 I n recent years, the dental industry has seen a spike in the quality of dental microscope technology, as well as its potential applications. Though the use of these tools began in the area of endodontic dentist- ry, also known as root canal therapy, microscopes are now also used in such areas as aesthetic prosthodontics (cosmetic dentistry), periodontics (dentistry regarding the gums, jawbone, etc.) and implant dentistry. For endodon- tic dentistry in particular, or that which pertains to the soft, nerve-filled pulp in the center of the tooth, treatment sites are rarely visible without the use of a microscope. While past practices depended mostly on the skill and experience of the den- tist performing the procedure, the use of microscopes has remarkably improved the accuracy and success rate of such treatments. When it comes to teeth where either carries or traumas have re- sulted in infected pulps, endodontic treatment is performed as a way to remove infected tissues and seal the canals with biocompatible ma- terials. This strategy helps to both promote healing and inhibit further progression of the infection. An important point to consider, howev- er, is that the extensively complex structures of root canals make them almost impossible to treat effective- ly without the use of microscopes. Another common endodontic pro- cedure is apical microsurgery, which usually takes place when the root canal therapy did not succeed and is a last treatment option to save a tooth before extraction be- comes necessary. During the microsurgery, root ends and the lesions around them are surgically removed before the remaining canals are located, cleaned and sealed to prevent reinfection. But because locating these remaining canals with the naked eye is not easy, apical surgeries have always been known to be troublesome for dentists. Nowadays, however, with the proper equipment, the mi- crosurgeries can be performed faster and more accurate- ly, resulting in marked improvement in the procedures’ success rate. Our dentists at Yonsei Dental Hospital’s Department of Conservative Dentistry have performed more than 3,000 apical microsurgeries with a success rate of more than 90 percent. These excellent results have been applauded by international dental academies, and the literature published on our methods has received great attention and recognition. In 2008, Yonsei Dental Hospital founded the first and only Den- tal Microscope Center in Korea as a means of meeting the growing demand for treatment of this cal- iber. The number of referrals doc- umented from other local dental clinics has increased significantly, with patients citing the microscope technology as the explicit reason for their interest in the facility. In addi- tion to the advanced tools available on site, a recent survey showed that patients also reported a high level of satisfaction with the quality of care that they received from our staff. Our microscope center not only treats patients with serious dental conditions but also provides learn- ing opportunities for other local dentists who would like to learn how to use dental microscopes. It is through this approach that the Dental Microscope Center seeks to help improve the standard of endodontic treatment in Korea. The Dental Microscope Center at Yonsei Dental Hospital is a pio- neer in the field of endodontic dentistry in Korea, and will continue to promote advancements in both the quality of training available to dentists and the quality of treatment available to patients. Advancements in endodontic treatment far from microscopic For more information or reservations, call Ms. Kelly Soe, the English coordinator at Yonsei University Dental Hospital. +82 2 2228 8998 +82 2 363 0396 idc@yuhs.ac 50-1 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul www.yuhs.or.kr/ en/hospitals/dent_ hospital/Conserv_ dentist/Intro COLuMN • YONsEi UNiVERsiTY dENTAL hOspiTAL Euiseong Kim, DDS, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry Yonsei University College of Dentistry