I n the famous movie “Gone with the Wind,” the most memorable moment is the kiss scene with Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable. But during the shooting of that scene, Vivien Leigh almost fainted because of Clark Gable’s bad breath. Bad breath can influence one’s social life in a big way. Someone who has bad breath may lose confidence in talking with others, while others may be reluctant to advise you of your breath, making it hard to be aware of, let alone treat the problem. How’s your oral hygiene? The cause of bad breath mainly comes from the oral cavity. The tongue, interdental spaces and gums a clean mouth is the best way to get rid of bad breath Making a frst impression is important for everyone, and a big minus to that frst impression could be having bad breath. For further information or reservations, call Ms. Kelly Soe, the English coordinator at Yonsei University Dental Hospital. +82 2 2228 8998 +82 2 363 0396 idc@yuhs.ac 50-1 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul www.yuhs.or.kr/ en/hospitals/dent_ hospital/Conserv_ dentist/Intro COLUMN • YonSEI UnIVERSItY DEntAL HoSPItAL are spots where bad breath originates. And if there is pre-existing dental decay, dentures or periodontal disease, then the bad breath gets worse. Bad breath worsens with age, but children with large tonsils or ad- olescents experiencing stress may have bad breath as well. Also, smokers and people who do not brush their teeth and tongue before bed may have bad breath. If there is bad breath, even if the teeth and gingiva are clean, the back of the tongue must be checked for tongue plaque and other causes (rhinitis, sinus infec- tion, bronchitis, liver disorder, gastric disorder, diabetes and so on) must be considered. Diagnosis of bad breath is done by the use of a hal- itosis measurement tool. Bacterial cultures and a sal- ivary flow test may also be used. The most prominent cause, dental plaque, can be checked by a special de- vice known as Q-ray. A clean mouth with proper oral hygiene control is most important The best way to treat bad breath is by keeping a clean mouth environment. It is necessary to brush your teeth shortly after meals and use tools such as dental floss. There is a special tool for brushing the back of the tongue called a tongue cleaner. Bad breath smells especially bad in the morning, and this is because during sleep, salivary flow decreases. So if your mouth feels dry, drink ample amounts of wa- ter. Bad breath that lingers after brushing your teeth is caused by the synthetic detergent and foaming agent in the toothpaste. This sodium lauryl sulfate may irri- tate the tongue and make the oral mucosa feel dry, so toothpaste without these ingredients is recommended. Daily Care Bad breath occurs whenever the mouth is dry, so try to drink water frequently during the night when- ever you are awake. After meals, snack on fiber-rich food, like cucumbers, which can stimulate the sali- vary glands. Green tea is more advisable to drink than coffee. Chewing gum or gargling will only temporarily mask bad breath and might cause you to lose atten- tion towards proper oral cleansing. A saline cleansing solution or gargle recommended by dentists is a bet- ter choice. Having routine dental exams is important, along with scaling. These techniques will help keep the bad breath away. Jong-Hoon Choi, DDS, Ph.D. professor Department of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine, Yonsei University College of Dentistry