eW national roaD aT SHInHan An interview with lee Dong-dae, Deputy president and head of Corporate Banking Group, shinhan Bank by Craig white and seung-eun Lee photos by dylan goldby F ew Korea banks are at the forefront of progressive change more than Shinhan Bank. One of the key players who is help- ing propel Shinhan into new frontiers is Lee Dong-dae, Deputy President & Head of Cor- porate Banking Group at Shinhan Bank. S Plus Magazine was fortunate enough to meet with him and hear his thoughts on Shinhan’s vision for SME and FDI support, as well as pioneering a one-of-a-kind English magazine to better represent the bank’s core values to its foreign VIP customers. What is your objective in launching a new English magazine for Shinhan Bank? As of late September 2013, there were around 9,000 foreign investment companies in Ko- rea and the number has been rising steadily every year. In this sluggish world economy, Korea will need consistent foreign invest- ment to stimulate its economy. Shinhan Bank is currently providing service for 4,000 for- eign investment companies. Of those, 1,000 hold large assets, defned by certain Shinhan standards. Shinhan is committed to provid- ing quality service for ofcials of foreign in- vestment companies and foreign customers. For example, we established a new “Foreign Customer Department” dedicated to foreign customer service in August of 2011. Currently, Shinhan is publishing its own magazines: “Shinhan Biz” and “PWM” (Pri- vate Wealth Management). Te former pro- vides important management and business information for domestic blue-chip compa- nies. PWM ofers social and economic infor- mation for VIP customers. In light of the fact that no bank in Korea pub- lishes magazines for foreign VIP customers and ofcials at foreign investment companies, we have decided to launch a new magazine. It will provide readers with a myriad of infor- mation regarding the Korean fnancial mar- ket, as well as cultural articles to help make their stay in Korea more enjoyable. Can you please elaborate on the social role that your bank is taking? Shinhan is committed to roles in two key ar- eas: contributions to economic growth and ‘따뜻한 금융’을 실현하기 위한 신한은행의 사 회적 역할은 올해 “사회책임경영위원회”의 신설 로 본격화되었고 “중소기업추진단”의 발족은 이 에 대한 실질적인 지원으로 이어지고 있다. 특히 창조경제의 바탕이 될 중소기업 지원 및 활성화 정책의 일환으로써 ‘신한 챌린저 신설법인 대출’ 의 지원 대상 확대 및 ‘글로벌지원데스크’ 활동을 통한 전문적인 금융지원컨설팅은 건강한 기업성 장 생태계 조성에 기여하고 있다. 신한은행 기업부문장인 이동대 부행장과의 인 터뷰를 통해 중소기업 지원정책의 사례를 들어본 다.