
89 S ince the opening of the Inter- national Dental Clinic on the first floor at Yonsei University Dental Hospital in 2010, the number of foreign patients visiting the clinic has steadily increased and we saw a total of 4,000 visits in 2013. It is still a small number compared to the number of foreign patients visiting our Sever - ance International Clinic, which has had 30,000 visits, but the increasing num- ber of foreign patients every year under- scores the need for dental treatment for foreigners. Our clinic has seen a diverse range of nationalities come through our doors, such as patients from the Unit- ed States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Russia, Japan, China, Taipei, Africa, India and much more. But we are equipped to communicate fluently with all foreign patients via our transla- tion service. We serve customized and expedient treatment. We also provide cost-effective treatment packages tai- lored to a patient’s situation, whether they are a visiting professor, a resident or an international student. We also pro- vide full-time international coordinators who arrange appointments with special- ists as needed. Our international dental clinic is work- ing hard to become more competitive and attract foreign patients. For better access to our services, we’ve struck agreements with local hotels that serve foreign visitors and we’ve contributed articles to English-language newspa- pers and magazines. Why are we going to such lengths to offer this level of care to foreign pa- tients? It is tradition in Korea to treat guests warmly. Severance Hospital was found - ed on the basis of Christianity as intro- duced by foreigners, which is what com- pels us to want to offer our appreciation to and take care of foreign patients visit- ing Korea. We are also the first in Korea to achieve the internationally-recognized JCI certification, and we continue to po- sition ourselves as the leading hospital in the medical globalization frontier. It is still true that Singapore, Thailand and India are leading countries in medical tourism, but we are equally as prepared to pro - vide the best and highest-quality treat- ment with our fully organized system. We invite you to visit us and learn why Yonsei University’s International Dental Clinic has become a leading hospital for foreign patient treatment. An international dental clinic with love and spirit Bock-Young Jung, DDS, Ph.D. Clinical associate professor Department of Advanced General Dentistry, Yonsei University College of Dentistry For further information or reservations, call Ms. Aeri Jo, the English coordinator at Yonsei University Dental Hospital. +82 2 2228 8998 +82 2 363 0396 aerijo@yuhs.ac 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul www.yuhs.or.kr/ en/hospitals/dent_ hospital/Conserv_ dentist/Intro COLUMN • YonSEI UnIVERSItY DEntAL HoSPItAL