What’s in this issue CONTENTS C O V E R S T O R Y W E L C O M E 04 EDITORIAL Freedom from shame and discrimination is the first step toward LGBTQ equality 14 KEy pEOpLE Introducing some of the editors, writers and photographers behind the June issue 15 ThE INbOx Opinions and feedback from readers 16 MuST READS A selection of our editors’ favorite articles 18 ON ThE COvER 20 WhAT’S ON Festivals, concerts, happy hours, networking and events for every day of the month 24 ThE NEWS Gwangju anniversary marked by mass boycott; Train to Dorasan Station in DMZ resumes; Seoul’s plans will assist expatriates; Police arrest two suspects over worker exploitation; Seoul announces plans for homeless I N S I G H T 44 ThE KOREAN RING OF FIRE On a scale of 1 to emergency room, how spicy does Korean food get? Armed with antacid, two expats try and find out 48 FOR ThE LOvE OF FOOD Bowing down to Bào: No-frills stir fry with some Cordon Bleu flair 50 MORE ThAN COD Battered Sole gets ready for another beating in Itaewon. Luckily, our favorite fish ‘n’ chips pub has learned a few new moves 52 hOW TO MILK AN ALMOND Making your own almond milk is easier than it looks F O O D 26 hIv-pOSITIvE buT NOT ALONE A young Korean living with HIV shares his story of survival, solitude and social stigma 30 WRITING FROM ThE WRECKAGE From the trauma of a local man’s suicide comes a literary award for LGBTQ writers 34 RObERT KOEhLER’S KOREA Seventeen years in, triple threat Robert Koehler (editor, journalist, photographer) discusses his evolution from cultural critic to Korea sympathizer 26 34 40 SMILE, yOu’RE ON NORTh KOREAN Tv Advice for our president, criticism for Washington and (vaguely) countercultural views: Is this the North’s answer to the Daily Show? 42 bANKING METhODS Explore the pros and cons of making a trip to meet your friendly, neighborhood bank teller J U N E 2 0 1 4ISSUE 92 Check out our GrooveCast episodes on these stories at groovekorea.com. 50 40