www.groovekorea.com / March 2014 8 MuSIC & ARTINSIghT 30 march 2014 ISSUE 89 MuSIC & ART What’s in this issue CONTENTS TAKINg A STAND Migrant workers protest their exploitative employers WELCOME INSIGHT M USIC & ARTS 32 - FINDINg MEANINg IN PYONgYANg’S EXCRETIONS When sorting through Kim’s speeches, sifting plans from the propaganda takes skill. 34 - SAYINg YES TO ThE COMPANY PLAN Paul Sharkie gives us a closer look at employer pension offerings. 44 - BACK TO ThE REAL WORLD Never complacent, Pinnacle TheHustler moves the party — and business — stateside. 46 - STRAIghT TALKINg Korea’s TV darling Bronwyn Mullen shares the highs and lows of the business. 48 - JuST gROWINg uP Jake Pains on taking hallyu TV head on 50 - JESSE DAY IS hERE TO STAY Vowing to conquer the Asian entertainment industry, Jesse Day is a mogul in the making. 52 - KOREA TAKES SXSW BY STORM Fourteen Korean bands show what they’re made of at one of the U.S.’ biggest music festivals. 04 - EDITORIAL “Hustle or die”: How hip-hop performer Pinnacle went from homeless to hustler 14 - KEY PEOPLE Introducing some of the editors, writers and photographers behind March’s issue 17 - ThE INBOX Opinions and feedback from readers 18 - MuST READS A selection of our editors’ favorite articles 22 - ON ThE COvER 24 - WhAT’S ON Festivals, concerts, happy hours, networking and events for every day of the month 28 - ThE NEWS Prostitution apps circumvent Korean laws; adopted Korean identical twins reunited via Facebook; smuggling from U.S. Army bases on the rise; new visa regulations for newlywed foreign spouses of Koreans 36 EXPAT SuPERSTARS How four expat performers broke into Korea’s entertainment industry