2) 문제점 ○ 시각장애인 등을 위한 점자 안내나 음성변환용코드가 부재함. ○ 최근에 세운 안내판의 경우에는 상대적으로 훼손이 되지 않았으나 오래 전에 설치된 것으 로 보이는 안내판 7은 훼손 정도가 심함. ○ 영어, 중국어, 일본어로 된 관음사 안내 표지판(안내판 2)이 있음. 영어 안내판에는 4·3 관련 내용이 있으나 비문이나 오탈자가 많고 일본어와 중국어에는 4·3 관련 내용이 기재되어 있지 않음. 3) 개선방안 ○ 시각장애인 등을 위한 음성변환코드나 점자 안내판이 설치되어야 함. ○ 4·3에 대한 내용을 외국인들도 이해할 수 있도록 외국어 안내판이 없는 곳의 경우 외국어 안내판을 추가로 설치해야 함. ○ 안내판 2와 3의 영어를 아래와 같이 수정할 것을 제안함. 70 안내판 2 기존안 수정안 Located 650 meters above sea level on numinous and sacred Mt. Halla, Gwaneumsa-temple is a administrative head of the 23rd district of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, to which more than 40 temples are belonged. It is said, among the natives, that Gwaneumsa was first established in the reign of Moonjong of Goryo Dynasty (1046-1083). Under the “Pro-Confucianism and Anti-Buddhism” policy of Chosun Dynasty beginning 1702, all the Buddhist temples were destroyed, andsince then no single temple existed for over 200 years. In October 1908, Venerable Haewol began restoring the temple at current location, and Buddhism in Jeju Island then was set to reinvigorate. However, Gwaneumsa, throughout tragic modern Korean history, had become unavoidable victim of the 4·3 Uprising under the U.S. military rule and Korean War. The temple unwillingly became the field of war and witness of massacre of innocent civilians and was burnt down again. Gwaneumsa, a center of Jeju Island and heart of Mt. Halla, is presently representing the Buddhism of Jeju and has developed both as a site of prayer and practice and tourist attraction. Located 650 meters above sea level on a numinous and sacred Mt. Halla, Gwaneumsa-temple is a n administrative head of the 23rd district of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, to which more than 40 temples are belonged located . It is said, among the natives, that Gwaneumsa was first established in the reign of Moonjong of Goryo Goryeo Dynasty (1046-1083). Under the “Pro-Confucianism and Anti-Buddhism” policy of Chosun Dynasty beginning 1702, all the Buddhist temples were destroyed, and since then no single temple existed for over 200 years. In October 1908, Venerable Haewol began restoring the temple at its current location, and Buddhism in Jeju Island then was was then set to reinvigorate. However, Gwaneumsa, throughout tragic modern Korean history, had become an unavoidable victim of the 4·3 Uprising under the U.S. military rule and the Korean War. The temple unwillingly became the field of war and witness of the massacre. of innocent civilians and was Buildings were burnt down again. Gwaneumsa, a center of Jeju Island and heart of Mt. Halla, is presently representing the Buddhism of Jeju and has developed both as a site of prayer and practice and tourist attraction. 안내판 3 기존안 수정안 <Gwaneumsa and 4·3 Relics> Riots occurred in the whole area of Jeju in April 3, 1948(It was the time, ruled by the US military <Gwaneumsa and 4·3 Relics> Riots occurred in the whole area of Jeju in A pril 3, 1948(It was the time, ruled by the US military