61 King cole bar new york A New York City mainstay, this establish- ment’s mural of Old King Cole has been delighting its famous patrons like Salvador Dali, Marilyn Monroe, Joe DiMaggio and John Lennon since 1906, not to mention being featured in movies “Te Devil Wears Prada” (2006), “Hannah and her Sisters” (1986) and “Radio Days” (1987). In 2007, the 30’ by 8’ mural received a $100,000 cleaning that completely restored the mas- terpiece. It is this dark, lavish and woody bar’s original signature cocktail — the Red Snapper — which eventually morphed into the infamous Bloody Mary, a celebri- ty in its own right. Check out the bar and bear witness to a monument to New York’s ongoing mythology. St.Regis Hotel 2 E. 55th St. New York www.kingcolebar.com