
53 He says he’s still learning: “Seasonal changes and weather greatly affect the milk, so everything has to be monitored and adjusted accordingly.” These skills take a long time to acquire, especially considering the effect that just a few tweaks can have; slight differ- ences in the draining, heating, pressing, or cutting of the curds can lead to a completely different product. Doug’s current super-fresh recipe tastes similar to cream cheese, but it’s less sweet and a bit tarter in flavor. It’s a small operation — just one buck, one wether (a non-breed- ing male), five does, five kids and three newborns — but they’re able to make a couple batches of cheese a week, with the busy season being from spring to late fall. He hasn’t made goat’s milk available for sale yet, but yogurt will soon be added to the menu. In the next few years he hopes to have aged cheeses as well. “They’re stronger in flavor (which is good), but I’d have to build cheese caves for aging,” he says. If you’re curious to try some of Waeg Farm’s cheese, you don’t have to trek all the way to Gyeongju; they’ll deliver it overnight to any doorstep in mainland Korea, though visitors are always welcome on the farm. There you might get to milk a goat or go on a goat-cart ride, or or you could even volunteer your services and get some hands-on farming experience in the countryside. But if ordering online is more your style, you may also find tomatillos, one of five varieties of heirloom tomatoes, some hot habanero peppers, green beans, sweet corn, artichokes or even a fiery Trinidad scorpion (a pepper, not a bug) included with your order. Huffer likes to add these delicacies as a bonus for his customers. Where my child’s smile is concerned, I want the best. Any father would feel the same. Pediatric dentistry & Orthodontics for all ages ExpEriEncE rEputation rEsults Give your children the smiles they deserve 71-9, Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 서울특별시 강남구 청담동 71-9 청담 IVY 교정전문클리닉 www.ivysmile.kr 02.518.2722 U.S. Certifed Orthodontic Specialist Member of American Dental Association TRICARE Dental Program Preferred Provider Assistance with all dental insurance paperwork > Dr.Jay H Kim D.M.D., M.S. US-Trained and licensed dentist Member of American Dental Association > Dr. David John Choie D.M.D fnd us at FB “ivy dentalclinic” Chungdam IVY ORTHODONTICS VIPS HONDA Hotel Riviera COEX Sinsa Stn. Gangnam-gu Offce Line7 cheongdam Stn. eXiT 12 iVY Dental clinic MoRE INFo Email: waegfarm@gmail.com Website: waegfarm.com or fb.com/waegfarm