156 한국독립운동사연구 제38집 ❂ 영문요약 Heroic struggle in Kyeongnam areas during the Japanese Colonial period and Locality -Focusing on Euiyeoldan’s Activities in the early 1920’s- Jeon, Sung-Hyun The subjective and objective condition of Busan and Miyang areas where heroic struggle started is as follows; First of all, as Busan a nd Milyang were the areas where lots of Japanese people advanced into at an early stage, racial and class conflict and the neglect of Korean residential districts in these areas deepened. In case of Busan, as Japanese people advanced into Choryang area with the opening of Busan port, Choryang Korean village was developed, and some of Korean people grew into merchants and industrialists, however, most of them were isolated from their land and relegated to Korean villages in Youngjoo-dong or Busanjin. Meanwhile, as Busan port made its position secure as the gateway to the continent and the land reclamation was pushed ahead continuously to secure space in the city, the Korean village in Busanjin became the center of the land reclamation during the Japanese colonial period. As the newly created land by the land reclamation expanded as the logistics hub and industrial sites, the Korean village in Busanjin which located behind this area degenerated into a residential area for the Korean laborers working in the logistics and industrial sites. As Japanese people advanced inland through the Nakdong River and the