
www.groovekorea.com / June 2014 42 AbOuT ThE WRITER Paul Sharkie is the Foreign Client Relationship Manager for Shinhan Bank’s Foreign Customer Department. Please visit Shinhan Expat Banking on F acebook for more information. The banking information provided in this column is based on Shinhan Bank policies and may not be applicable to all banks in Ko rea. — Ed. H aving briefly touched on this subject in a past column, I’d like to take a closer look at the full range of options available to those who are just getting started with bank- ing in Korea. For many, testing out the latest technology to assist with their financial needs sometimes comes out of habit, sometimes out of necessity and often just out of pure curi- osity. For those who cannot make regular trips to their branch without their employer breathing down their necks (English teachers know this feeling all too well), the digital world undoubtedly offers several options that allow you to do your banking at your own convenience. Employ- er issues aside, there is something quite satisfying about sitting in a coffee shop with your laptop or mobile device and taking care of your finances without worrying about branch hours. Having said this, if you really prefer talking to an expert or have plenty of time to spare, there is nothing wrong with keeping up appearances and visiting in person. Branch visits Korean banks are generally quite fantastic when it comes to spread- ing their branches around. With a high level of customer service, clean, modern spaces and an increasing amount of foreign language speak- ers, visiting your bank in person is no longer the stress it was for many arriving in Korea years ago. Pros Great customer service (overall) and conveniently located branches. Cons Potentially long waiting times as well as higher overseas remit- tance fees (when compared to other methods) and occasional commu- nication barriers. Although there are many capable foreign language speakers, should you have any problems, you can always have the teller call your bank’s foreign language call center — they can act as a translator. Don’t be afraid to ask! ThE MONEy COLuMN Edited by Matthew Lamers (mattlamers@groovekorea.com) INSIGhT Whether you’re tech-savvy or more traditional, shop around for your banking method of choice Column by Paul Sharkie / Illustration by Craig Stuart BankIng mETHods: THE Pros and cons