
395 곳이다. 1948년 11월 중순 중산간 마을에 대한 초토화 작전이 시행된 이후 주민들은 야산으로 흩어져 숨어 있다가 이곳으로 들어왔다. 이곳은 험한 대신 넓었고, 사람들이 숨어 살기에 좋았기 때문이었다. 당시 어린아이나 노인들은 이 굴속에서 살았다. 청년들은 주변 야산이나 근처의 작은 굴에 숨어 토벌대에 갑작스런 습격에 대비하여 망을 보거나 식량이나 물 등을 나르는 일을 했다. 그러나 이 굴속에서 산 지 40여 일 후 토벌대의 집요한 추적 끝에 발각되고 말았다. 토벌대가 굴 안으로 들어오기 시작하자 주민들은 이불솜 등에 불을 붙여 매운 연기가 밖으로 나가도록 열심히 부쳤다. 토벌대는 굴속으로 들어오지 못하고 밖에서 총만 난사하다가 철수했다. 토벌대가 간 후 주민들은 한라산을 바라보며 무작정 산으로 들어갔다. 그 후 이들은 한라산 영실 인근 볼레오름 지경에서 토벌대에 총살되거나, 생포된 후 정방폭포나 그 인근에서 학살됐다. 큰넓궤 동쪽 50m 지점에 '도엣궤'가 있는데 이곳에도 항아리 파편 등 당시 생활유적들이 많이 남아 있다. 인근에 제주 4·3 당시 없어져 버린 마을 ‘삼밭구석’이 있으며, 당시 학살된 후 시신을 찾지 못해 옷가지 등만을 묻은 '헛묘'도 있다. 밥은 큰넓궤에서 하지 않았어요. 근처에 작은 굴들이 많았는데 주로 거기서 며칠에 한 번씩 해서 밥을 차롱에 담았다 먹었어요. 또 물은 삼밭구석의 소 먹이는 물을 항아리로 길어다 먹었어요. 밖에 다닐 때는 발자국이 나지 않게 돌만 딛고 다니거나, 마른 고사리를 꺾어다가 발 디뎠던 곳에 꽂아 발각되지 않게 했지요. 하동 사람들은 아랫굴에 살았고, 상동 사람들은 주로 웟굴에 살았어요. 그러다 보니 상동 사람들은 변소가 있는 굴까지 가기 힘들어 항아리에 쌌다가 나중에 한꺼번에 버리곤 했지요. -동광리 신원숙씨 증언 발췌 [영문] Location: Whole area of San No. 90, Donggwang-ri, Andeok-myeon, Seogwipo-si. Keunneolgwe Cave served as a hideout for villagers from Donggwang-ri village for about two months during the Jeju April 3rd massacre. In November of 1948, when authorities conducted an operation to burn villages in mountainous areas to the ground, many villagers fled and went into hiding amongst the hills, with some managing to find this cave, Keunneolgwe. Its rugged yet wide wide space was ideal for villagers to live in hiding Most children and the elderly among them stayed in the cave. Young men stayed at nearby hills and in other small caves to stand guard against sudden attacks by punitive forces, and also carried food and water. However, after hiding for 40 days in the cave, their location was discovered by the punitive forces’ relentless chase. When the authorities tried to enter the cave, villagers inside lit fire to cotton blankets in order to cover the entrance with acrid smoke. The punitive forces were unable to go inside but then fired at random before withdrawing. After the forces were gone, villagers retreated even deeper into Mt. Hallasan with no definite plan. Some were shot dead by the punitive forces around Bolle Oreum (small volcanic cone) near Yeongsil Cliffs on Mt. Hallasan, while others were captured alive and massacred near Jeongbang Falls. There is another cave that was also used as a hideout for villagers called Doetgwe, 50 meters east of Keunneolgwe. There still remain a lot of relics including fragments of posts in the cave. There used to be a village called Sambatguseok in the vicinity of the cave but the village was razed during the Jeju April 3rd Masacre and corpses of villagers who were slaughtered at the time were never found: instead their clothes were buried in Heonmyo Cemetry. We didn’t cook in Keunneolgwe, instead we cooked in one of the many small caves nearby once every few days and then kept steamed rice in a bamboo container. We carried water from troughs in Sambatguseok village using pots. When going outside, we tried to step on stones so as to not leave any footprints. Sometimes we gathered bracken and stuck it in footprints to avoid detection. We couldn’t defecate outside. We made a small toiled in one side of the cave. People from the lower part of the village stayed in the deeper section of the cave while people from the upper part of the village lived in the upper section of the cave. It was difficult for those from the upper part of the village to go to the toilet in the