
fidelity. L 딩 . Naesoo was the eldest J( 三)一Lee. Haksoon and succeeded hi,; father's ideol 0 gy and anti-,bp:uw JC근() ught. When imprisoned clue . - '\.ftcr with He choose suic 굿k〔 ()hcmi[ hful to his [() bu 굳 ng the cc 홍 us rcgistr:i tion in 눔 ly. lDl 또 he met Kwak. Hanil. Kwak. Hanil was a kc: figure of the D onglipeegunbu and enlisted him in the Donglipccgunbu. In lDUi. he planned to misc an army in the cause of B > (ungil and ,Jeon. Yongkyu .. .\ t t 一〕 3〔〔ime. Lee. Naesoo was activcl: engaged in the D급드il 론요[ rnbu to raise an arm:. submitted 『estorntion of the emperor. Kim. 『cprcscntati >C(二 nominated for one of in the D onglipeegunbu. -~t th:i t time. Lee. N aesoo signed the Pari-,Jang-seo which 言 r」 I 二已己 C(l by Kim. Gokhan. After hi:; father's patriotic martyrs for tlH Lim. and You. participated in the a leader of the Government -] l9l 3·l Movement. Gokhan. 工(三 nJ() ng H己二 ll Hcungju 三'l 已》 in the cause of justice. lee. XaCS()OlC(i the Chosundongnimrl:rn 11 hich was organized in Uil\1 for L upport the Provisional Gmcrnmcn 二 f the Republic of Korea . and C() llected funds in ,Jcolh Gycongs:mg and Chungcheong Provinces as Chosundongnimrlan in Lcc. X 귿 S{)() May. and principles Hokcun l9zl. was letter who Lee. a 『l w2.c Xac1{){) participated in the Chosund cmgl 一」 ln(Ian to save the country fl ,Japanese empire. however. he did nut acknowledge the Provisi C)I 〕己 w〔守 T1 inducted into 요 ' ,r; `도중一 i1' __ g~二_I{ 一구국_값 〔 b( 二 .).}, 스)소))