
366 1. When North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25th, 1959, 344 innocent civilians in the jurisdiction of Moseulpo police station were put into preventive custody and detained by the Home Office Policing Board. 2. As the Nakdong River defense line faced imminent peril, the evacuating Korean government, which had retreated to Busan, planned to go down to Jeju as their final refuge. Meanwhile, police intended to tighten security by classifying those who were in preventive custody in Jeju with an arbitrary standard. 252people who were categorized as C or D were subjected to genocide and buried secretly by police and their dead bodies were not delivered to their bereaved families. 3. On March 30th, 1956, the bereaved families in Manbangdi, Halim unearthed 60bodies and buried them in a joint burial spot at midnight. The bereaved families of the Baekjoilson massacre unearthed 149 bodies on May 18th. 1956 under the permission of the Korean authorities. Among them 132 unidentified bodies were buried in the cemetery of the bereaved families and a memorial monument was built with the donations from the families: 17 identified bodies which were buried in another cemetery. Baekjoilson denotes a killing of more than 100 people and refers to this specific event in Jeju. 4. After the May 16 Coup, police destroyed the memorial monument and before destroying the grave boundaries the bereaved families relocated 23 bodies in the middle of the night. 5. As for TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commision) legislated the truth of what happened in Jeju was revealed on the 13th of November in 2007: 218 innocent civilians were sacrificed by the illegal act of the government on August 11th, 2010. 65years later, on June 24th,2015, the victims regained their honor right after the bereaved families won their compensation claim in the first and second trials against the government. 안내판 설명 5 [한글] (후면)사건개요 : 1950년 6월 25일 한국전쟁이 발발하자 내무부치안국의 지시에따라 모슬포경찰서 관내에서 예비검속한 344명중계엄사령부에 송치된 252명을 동년 7월 16일과 8월 20일 법적절차없이 모슬포 주둔군에의해 집단학살 암매장한 사건이다.