
scholastic succ 흥(lC(l JanJCJ 已됴 Siyua!'s E.ih ('onfucians. Lee. Haksoon maintained Wijungchucksa which was the main logic of 귿 , Enligh 言nmcnt as he 『三[.드. His rejection on the Chanmyung~d100! which was established b:, D() on-am memorial hall for (급一 't1cianist shows his ideologiL·al peculiarity. He was a deep-cl:, crl confucian scholar who emphasii'.crl 눙 n-wha-chuck-ee and fidclit:,. For lee. Haksoon. establishment of 글(.― hanmyung School could not be allowed. And in the same C() ntext. he rejected a royal bounty from the ,Japanese empire and C() mmitted suicide. In l\Jl(!. aftc1 、一〔 ipancse annexation of choose a life in seclusion. but ti 론: pancse empire forced to rccci \ c a royal bounty and he committed ,;uicide by taking poison in D cc. 꼴4 L 言Haksoon is a patri< 걸(i denied to recei >CS()_Ca] 三l.K:JS um·in lDlO. His suicide for t 一론 ("() untry influenced his son. Lee. :\귿乙)(), and served a momentum for 귿 independence movement of Lee. :\ aesoo. This became the cla,;,;iL· example of two generation J^ 」『lcl 즈I 一 (Jenee movement. Lee. Haksoon Kongju. Chungnam 요 . E.im. was born mantle and 50 ng, at 〈 AG8TRAC· 곡〉 중추후三 i1 ― J1-rr(l( - h) ::J l 즌3 and 근 c Naesoo Lee. Sung woo National movement of Lee, Haksoon and Lee.