354 [영문] Jeju Songaksan Ilje Haean Donggul jinji (Japanese-made Coastal Encampment at Mt. Songaksan in Jeju) Registered cultural heritage No. 313 Built in around 1945 This military facilty was built by the Japanese for suicide attacks usng small ships against the fleet of the allied forces when they faced defeat in the Pacific War. It comprises 17 caves along the coastal cliffs of Mt. Songaksan on the southeastern side of Jeju, in linear, H-shape, or open-ended square formation. Built into the cliffs by the forced labor of Jeju residents, this facility not only speaks vividly of Japanese invasion but also demonstrates the cruelties of war in which soldiers are forced to die. 안내판 설명 2 [한글] 제주 송악산해안 일제동굴진지 등록문화재 제313호(1945무렵 건립) 서귀포시 대정읍 상모리 194-2번지선 외 공유수면. 이 시설물은 일제강점기 말 패전에 직면한 일본군이 해상으로 들어오는 연합군 함대를 향해 소형 선박을 이용한 자살 폭파 공격을 하기 위해 구축한 군사 시설이다. 그 형태는 ‘ㅡ’ 자형, ‘H’ 자형, ‘ㄷ’ 자형 등으로 되어 있으며 제주도의 남동쪽에 있는 송악산 해안 절벽을 따라 17기가 만들어졌다. 제주도 주민을 강제 동원하여 해안 절벽을 뚫어 만든 이 시설물은 일제 침략의 현장을 생생하게 증언함과 더불어 전쟁의 참혹함과 죽음이 강요되는 전쟁을 사실적으로 보여주고 있다. [영문] Jeju Songaksan Ilje Haean Donggul jinji (Japanese-made Coastal Encampment at Mt. Songaksan in Jeju) Registered cultural heritage No. 313 Built in around 1945 This military facilty was built by the Japanese for suicide attacks usng small ships against the fleet of the allied forces when they faced defeat in the Pacific War. It comprises 17 caves along the coastal cliffs of Mt. Songaksan on the southeastern side of Jeju, in linear, H-shape, or open-ended square formation. Built into the cliffs by the forced labor of Jeju residents, this facility not only speaks vividly of Japanese invasion but also demonstrates the cruelties of war in which soldiers are forced to die.