
339 During the Pacific War, the place was said to be one of the leading candidate sites for the Allies' landing operation. Thus, It, along with nearby Altteureu Airfield, was a strategic position that had to be protected from occupation by the allies. Dark Tourism Dark Tourism (also black tourism or grief tourism) refers to tourism involving travel to sites historically associated with death, disaster and tragedy. Dark tourism destinations in Jeju Island are military facilities including Altteureu Airfield built by the japanese during the occupation period and the site of the incident of Civilian Massacre on April 3, 1948. Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, where approximately four million Jess were massacred by the Nazis, is a leading destination of dark tourism. At presnet, the site displays a lab where medical experiments were performed on living bodies, a torture room, a gas chamber, a hanging scaffold, and a cremation facility, along with hair, shoes, and clothes left by the victims. Visitors learn important lessons from the displayed objects and films about atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis. Altteureu Airfield Altteureu Airfield is a military airfield built by the Japanese during the occupation period in the field near Sangmori, Daejeong-up, Seogwipo-si. The Japanese forced locals to work on the construction. Upon the outbreak of the second Sino-Japanese War in the 1937, Japanese fighters of the Omura Naval Aviation Unit made sorties from this airfield to attack Nanjing, China 700km away. After the Japanese occupation of Shanghai in November 1938, the aviation unit was relocated to China and this airfield came to be used for training pilots. The name Altteureu is a Jeju dialect of Korean referring to a wide field. 안내판 설명 2 알뜨르비행장 ‘알뜨르비행장’은 일제강점기에 일본이 대정읍 상모리 아래쪽의 너른 벌판에 제주도민 등을 동원하여 건설한 군용 비행장이다. 1937년 중일전쟁이 발발하자 일본은 이 비행장을 전초 기지로 삼아 약 700km 떨어진 중국의 난징을 폭격하기 위해 오무라 해군 항공대의 많은 전투기를 ‘알뜨르’에서 출격시켰다. 그러나 1938년 11월 일본군이 상하이를 점령하자 오무라 해군항공대는 중국 본토로 옮겨졌고, ‘알뜨르 비행장’은 연습 비행장으로 남았다. ‘알뜨르비행장’은 ‘마을 아래에 있는 너른 벌판’의 뜻을 갖고 있는 상모리 ‘알뜨르’에 조성되어서 붙은 이름이다.