
297 현의합장묘 옛터 이곳은 4·3사건 당시 의귀초등학교에 주둔했던 군인들에 의해 주민 80여명이 집단학살 당한 후 학교 동녘 밭에 흙만 대충 덮인 방치되었던 시신들을 옮겨 3개의 구덩이에 매장한 곳이다. 2003년 9월 16일 세 구덩이의 유해를 발굴하였는데 수습이 힘들 정도로 엉클어져 있어 당시 참혹했던 상황을 알 수 있게 해주었다. 서쪽 구덩이 17구, 가운데 구덩이 8구, 동쪽 구덩이 14구 등 총 39구의 유해와 50여 점의 유품이 함께 발굴되었다. 발굴 직후인 9월 20일 수망리 '산산마루' 지경에 새 묘역을 비로소 안장했다. 세월의 무게를 감당하지 못해 이미 흙으로 돌아간 유해도 다수 있어 '흙 한줌'으로 대신했다. 2010년 5월 19일 '현의합장 영령유허비'를 세워 억울한 희생자들이 묻혀있던 곳임을 알리고 있다. [영문] Old Burial Ground of Hyeonuihapjangmyo The old burial ground of Hyeonuihapjangmyo is where the corpses of 80 civilians were moved and buried in three pits by villagers, after being massacred by the soldiers stationed at Uigwi Elementary School and left to rot with a sheet of soil covering them in the field east of Uigwi Elementary School. The corpses in the pits were excavated on September 16, 2003. During the excavation, the corpses were tangled to the extent that they were difficult to collect. It made people think about how tragic the massacre was. A total of 39 corpses, including 19 in the west pit, eight in the middle pit and 14 in the east pit, were excavated along with 50 articles left by the deceased. Shortly after the excavation, on September 20, the corpses were at length buried at a new burial site that was prepared at the "Sinsan Moru" ground in Suman-ri. Some of the corpses had turned into dust, and a fistful of dust was buried for them instead. On May 19, 2010. "Hyeonuihapjangmyo Memorial Stone for the Dead" was erected to mark the place where the mortified victims were buried. 안내판 설명2 <앞면> [한글] 현의합장영령유허비 [영문] 없음