29 WEF (World Economic Forum: 세계경제포 럼)은 최근 국가별 ‘세계 경쟁력 순위 (WCI: World Competitiveness Index)’를 발표하였는데, 국가 별로는 스위스와 싱가포르가 작년에 이어 각각 1 위 및 2위를 유지하고 있다. 금년도 우리나라의 경쟁력은 148개 국가 중 25위를 차지하여 전년 2012년도 평가 (144개국 중 19위)와 비교해 볼 때, 6단계나 하락하였다. 한국의 경쟁력 평가에 있어서 3대 주요 평가부 문을 살펴보면, ‘기본요건 (Basic requirement)’ 부 문에서 2단계 하락 (18위 → 20위), ‘효율성 제고 (Efficiency enhancers)’ 에서 3단계 하락 (20위 → 23위), ‘혁신 및 성숙도 (Innovation and so- phistication factors)’ 에서 3단계 하락 (17위 → 20위)하는 결과를 나타냈다. 주요 평가부문에서 의 순위가 전년도와 비교하여 소폭 하락하였음에 도 불구하고 전체 등위는 6단계나 크게 하락한 것 은 ‘제도적 요인 (62위 → 74위)’ 및 ‘금융시장 발 전정도 (71 → 81위)’ 부문에서의 등위가 전년에 비해 10위 이상이나 하락한 것이 주도적으로 전 체등위 하락을 이끈 것으로 보인다. 한편, ‘거시경 제 환경’ 부문에서는 오히려 등위가 1단계 오른 9 위를 나타내었으며, ‘투자유인에 관한 조세의 효율 성’ 또한 4위가 오른 104위로 순위 상승이 있었다. WEF의 평가결과를 종합적으로 분석해 보면, 우리나라의 국가경쟁력 등위를 제고시키기 위해 서는 무엇보다도 취약부문 ‘제도적 요인 (74위)’, ‘ 노동시장 효율성 (78위)’, ‘금융시장 발전정도 (81 위)’에서의 경쟁력을 강화하는 방안이 마련되어 지 속적으로 추진될 필요가 있다. remained stable, ranking 22nd out of 60 na- tions, compared to 22nd out of 59 economies the previous year. Te WEF and IMD ofer diferent assess- ments of Korea’s competitiveness. According to the WEF, the Korean economy went down- hill from 2007 to 2011 (11th→ 13th→ 19th→ 22nd→ 24th), bounced back to 19th in 2012, and has been going downfall again this year. In the IMD evaluation, Korea’s rank steadily rose from 2008 to 2011 (31st→ 27th→ 23rd→ 22nd), followed by a stable position at 22nd for three consecutive years. Te gap between the results released by the WEF and IMD is likely due to varying methods used by each organization, such as placing diferent value on statistics and surveys within the research. In the three major dimensions of national competitiveness, Korea fell slightly by two to three positions compared to 2012: basic requirements (18th→ 20th), efciency en- hancers (20th→ 23th), and innovation and sophistication factors (17th→ 20th). Tis shows that the overall ranking, which fell sharply by six steps, was weakened by Korea’s performance in sub-dimensions. Te quality of institutions dropped dramatically (62nd→ 74th), while business sophistication (22nd→ 24th) and capacity for innovation (16th→ 17th) fell slightly. Meanwhile, the macroeco- nomic environment improved (10th→ 9th). Most notably, goods market efciency fell four steps (29th→ 33rd) and fnancial market development stumbled 10 spots (71st→ 81st) compared to last year. Effciency assessment by sector A. AnAlYsis oF CoMpetitiveness in GooDs MArKet eFFiCienCY Tere was a small improvement over last year in two indicators of goods mar- ket efciency: intensity of local competition (11th→ 8th) and buyer sophistication (22nd→ 21st). Although the degree of customer ori- entation (9th→ 11th) weakened compared to last year, the drop was minor and the ranking remained strong, preventing a bigger fall in the overall national ranking. Tese areas are Korea’s notable competitive advantages in re- gards to goods market efciency. Korea saw a decline in other indicators of goods market efciency, including: extent of market dominance (99th→ 118th), prevalence of trade barrier (92nd→ 98th), and prevalence of foreign ownership (91st→ 99th). Tere was modest advancement in two areas, efect of taxation on incentives to invest (108th→ 104th) and agricultural policy costs (97th→ 86th). Overall, however, these areas are Ko- rean weaknesses that require attention and improvement. B. AnAlYsis oF CoMpetitiveness in FinAnCiAl MArKet DevelopMent Financial market development efectively refects a nation’s fnancial efciency. With the exception of legal rights index that ranked a modest 28th from 24th last year, Korea fared poorly in other aspects of fnancial mar- ket development. Te fnancial sector is large- <graPH 1> Korea’s ranKings reLeased by THe wef and iMd 1 16 19 27 32 29 31 27 23 22 22 23 11 13 19 22 24 19 25 22 6 21 11 26 31 36 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013