
Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis Seborreic dermatitis is the most common form of scalp dis- ease. The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis are as follows: ◦ Usually a lot of dandruff and itching on the scalp surface ◦ Red spots on the scalp surface ◦ Perspiration or appearance of irritation on the scalp after eat- ing of spicy food Causes The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is unknown, though it can occasionally be triggered by puberty or menopause, and new mothers may also experience the symptoms during their ante- natal and postpartum period. Research has shown that other contributing factors include improper shampooing, unbalanced diet and stress and a general decrease in the skin’s immune function. Treatment Many people think that seborrheic dermatitis is just a small sore that can be easily cured by medicine and ointment. Of course, there are occasional minor instances where this is the case. If the patient does seek treatment within an appropriate time, however, symptoms may return quickly, which can be frustrating and cause continued dis- comfort. The treatment of seborrheic dermatitis is largely determined by your lifestyle and is dependent on such factors as eating habits and amount of sleep. It can be assumed that seborrheic dermatitis is sim- ilar to allergies and atopic diseases. These diseases are closely linked to the body’s immune function, as well as one’s lifestyle. That’s why it is very important to maintain healthy lifestyle habits while undergoing treatment. One strategy for alleviating seborrheic dermatitis is to reduce one’s meat consumption while increasing that of vegetables. Washing one’s hair often, sleeping seven to eight hours a day, getting plenty of exer- cise and managing stress are all required as well. Changing one’s lifestyle to include healthier habits can increase the effectiveness of treatment. In medicine, seborrheic dermatitis is typically thought of as a dis- ease that is highly linked to lifestyle choices. Even in the post-treat- ment period, patients should try to continue a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid recurring symptoms. At our clinic, scalp diseases are treated by Natural Organic Herbal Extracts. There are three major principles I consider when I prescribe med- ication (internal or external medicine, acupuncture injections, etc.). Treatments should do the following: ◦ Reduce inflammation on scalp and calm irritated scalp ◦ Regenerate skin around problem area, and promote hair growth ◦ Improve immune functions to prevent symptoms from recurring By decreasing the rate of recurring seborrheic symptoms, patients can keep a clear and healthy scalp for a long time. Frequent consumption of lactic acid and lactic acid fermented food supplements which contain vitamin B and omega-3 supplements are also helpful in the treatment of this disease. Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that requires continuous self-con- trol. In a pinch, only treatment can improve scalp condition. Therefore, I would like to advise you not to delay your treatment, since everything is easier to treat when caught early. coLUmn BY DR. LEE MOON WON SeborrheiC dermaTiTiS iS a Curable diSeaSe S eborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory dis- ease of the scalp and skin characterized by scaly lesions that usually form on the scalp, hairline, face and body. Scalp diseases are often seen as a precursor to hair loss, though this is not necessarily the case. But if the symp- toms are severe and chronic, however, some form of hair loss may be inevitable. For this reason, the treatment of scalp diseases should be seen as a proactive approach to the prevention of future issues.