19 1948년 11월 이후 제주도 중산간 마을 대부분이 토벌대에 의해 불탔다. 이때 산으로 피신하는 주민들도 있었지만 해변마을로 내려가라는 토벌대의 명령에 따랐던 사람들도 많았다. 1948년 12월 중순, 토벌대가 조천면의 해변마을을 돌며 “좁쌀 한 줌이라도 산에 올린 사람은 자수하라, 그러면 양민증을 발급할 것이다!”라고 선전했다. 이에 중산간 마을에서 피난 온 주민은 물론 해변마을에 거주하던 젊은 남자들이 너도 나도 자수대열에 합류했다. 조천면 일대는 무장대의 세력이 비교적 강하여, 자의든 타의든 조금씩의 협조를 안 할 수 없었기 때문이다. 하지만 그들은 2주일 뒤인 12월 21일 이곳에서 집단 총살당했다. 토벌대는 시신 위에 휘발유를 끼얹어 불을 질러버렸다. 박성내는 당시를 기억하는 사람들에게는 악몽으로 남아있는 곳이지만 현재 그 아픔을 증언하는 현적은 찾아볼 수 없다. [영문] The April Third Uprising Historical Site Bakseongnae Location : 2425, Ara2-dong, Jeju City Bakseongnae Stream was an often used site for executions by the 9th Regiment of Korean Constabulary, which was the security force during the April Third Uprising. The security force had often executed people here starting in November 1948. The most tragic incident was the ‘Voluntary Surrender Incident’ in which approximately 100 residents in Jocheon-myeon were killed on December 21, 1948. Starting in November 1948, the securitye force had burned most of the mountain villages on Jeju Island. During that time, some villagers escaped to the mountain while others followed the command of the security force to come down to the coast villages. In mid-December 1948, the security circulated through the coast villages in Jocheon-myeon campaigning, “Surrender voluntarily even if you supplied a very small portion of rice to the guerrillas. Then, you will get the I.D. card proving innocent citizen.” As a result, refugees from mountain villages, as well as young men in the coast villages, voluntarily surrendered. In Jocheon-myeon, the power of the armed guerrillas was relatively strong. So, they sometimes could not help collaborating with them. However, 2 weeks later, on December 21, the villagers were executed here. The security force burned the corpses, Bakseongnae is still a nightmare to those who remember what happened here. However, there are no traces left of the tragic events, which would serve to bear witness to the pain.