
Groove readers’ opinions and feedback. On ‘WAsTED JOhnnY’s’ (sEPTEMBER 2013) COnFUsED COnTEsTAnT (GROOVEKOREA.COM) How could they not know the winner of “Top Talent” was going to be picked by the audience? It was all over their promotional material and they were constantly saying it. Maybe it’s because English isn’t the first language of anyone in Wasted Johnny’s and they misunderstood? Personally I think “Top Talent” was really well organized, fun and well done. It seems like Wasted Johnny’s didn’t have a good experience just because they didn’t win. Sore losers. On ‘ThE ADOPTIOn sCAPEGOATs: sInGLE MOMs’ (OCTOBER 2011) ThE ROCK sAYs… (GROOVEKOREA.COM) I would like to see the statistics in regards to conception, specifically looking at was the baby conceived while intoxicated or not. All the information that they can find at their fingertips is easily forgotten when you add soju to the mix. I am pretty sure you are aware of the drinking culture here as well, which I think has to play a heavy part nowadays with what is going on. As a single (now married) gyopo, I have had my fair share of fun here in Korea. As an adoptee who grew up in the South, I believe I have a different moral and value system as your non-adopted gyopo or Korean citizen. On several occasions in the wee hours in the morning, I would see girls being dragged into taxis or carried into hotel/motels by men. In the beginning, I would just laugh and joke about it. Although I knew it was wrong of them, I would always chalk it up to culture. But as I grow older I find these acts disgusting. And there are so many outlets/enablers of this, hotels, fill in the blank ____-bang, bars, etc. .... People can have fun and still be safe. I think something else that attributes to this is parenting or the societal norms that children adhere to. Honestly, what do people think will happen when they raise children up in an environment where they can’t be a child? Children grow up in a place where education is shoved so far down their throat the only outlet is to get all f’ed up when they get old enough. On ‘WhY MY FAMILY AnD I MUsT LEAVE KOREA’ (DECEMBER 2011) BIGMAMAT (GROOVEKOREA.COM) So, what are you trying to say? That Korean women who marry foreign men aren’t aware they may one day leave Korea? I’m assuming they are adults when they make these decisions. So, you’re under the impression that they’ve lost something or that they cannot preserve their “Korean side” if they leave the country. What if they don’t want to preserve their Korean side? What if their culture is what they are attempting to escape? None of my Korean lady friends regret leaving Korea, not one. Actually, not one of them longs to return to live. They all like it better here. They are quite happy with more autonomy in their marriages and their overall lives. When asked if they’d ever return (to Korea) should their marriages fail, not one said yes. None of them is willing to go back to a place where they have less freedom, opportunity or respect. On ‘UnhInGInG KOREA’ (JAnUARY 2013) WORLD VEnTUREs In KOREA (FACEBOOK) Great article. I didn’t know metal had been so popular in Korea. Cheers! ABDIEL LAWREnCE (FACEBOOK) I like those who dislike conformity. THe INBoX Orthodontic Tx.(Invisible aligner) l Bleaching Implant l Aesthetic Tx. l Petit Clinic Family Medicine l Dermatology l Plastic Surgery Caries Tx. l Prosthetic Tx. l Periodontal Tx. Root Canal Tx. l Painless Tx. Oral Surgery (Wisdom tooth extraction, Bone & soft tissue graft) Experienced doctors and staff qualifed abroad (United States and Great Britain) 2F Yanghwa Tower, 736-16 Yeoksamdong, Gangnam, Seoul Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00am ~ 6:30pm / Tue, Thu 10:00am ~ 9:00pm Sat 9:30am ~ 12:30pm / Lunch Time 12:30pm ~ 1:30pm ALL SMILES WELCOME GFC Star Tower POSCO P&S Gangnam Stn. Seolleung Stn. Erispomme Dental Hospital (1fl. Paris Baguette Bakery) Line2 Yeoksam Stn. EXIT 3 Yeoksam Stn. Hospital