152 당시 제주도 전역에 쌓았던 성은 무장대 습격 차단이라는 명분과 함께 주민들을 효율적으로 통제하기 위한 수단이 되었다. 성 안에서의 집단생활 또한 힘들었다. 주거지는 허름하고 좁은 가건물 (함바집)이 전부였다. 또 낮에는 밭에 나가 일을 하고 밤에는 보초를 서야 했다. 특히 젊은 남자들이 대거 희생되어 성을 지키는 일은 부녀자와 노인들의 몫이었다. 이제 이곳 낙선동에 4·3의 폐허를 딛고 재건의 토대로 삼았던 전략촌성의 일부를 복원하여 역사 교육의 장으로 삼고자한다. 복원내역 성곽-292m, 가건물 (함바) -1동, 초소.막 -5동, 지서-1동, 화장실 (통시)- 4동 [영문] Nakseon-dong 4·3 Fortress In November, 1948, when the Jeju April 3rd Incident was heading to its climax, destruction, leaving the villages totally destroyed. On the 21st of the month, Seounheul-ri also suffered numerous casualties and property damages, as the village was burnt to ashes. The government permitted the surviving residents to return to their hometown in the spring of 1949, but only after the villagers had completely built a square shaped enclosure of about 500 meters. The fortress-like enclosure was purportedly built to block and prevent attacks from armed rebels. However, they were used by the government to effectively contain and control the movement of the residents. Living in a group, inside the enclosed area, was not easy nor a happy existence. All that exhausted were shabby shelters and cramped camps, similar to those used by day laborers at construction sites. The villagers, after fouling in the fields all day, had to take turns servicing as village guards at night. The surviving women and old people had to fulfill the duty to secure and guard the fortress, due to the absence of the young men who were victimized during the incident. In order to create an educational site that represents some of the ills suffered by the Jeju residents, it is planned to reconstruct part of a strategic structure that once served the villagers as a base to restart their lives amid the ruins, caused by the April 3rd Incident. Structures for recreation 292m Fortress, 1 Shelter (temporary structure), 1 Guard posts &5 Camps, 1 Police station, 4 Toilets (Tongsi, Jeju’s traditional style).