
147 주민들은 임시 피난처럼 찾았다. ‘며칠만 숨어 있으면 사태가 끝나겠지’ 하는 생각으로 찾아든 곳이 숲이 우거지고 천연동굴이 산재한 이 일대 ‘선흘곶’이었다. ‘반못굴’엔 젊은 청년들 중심으로 25명 정도 숨어 있었다. 인근의 ‘목시물굴’, ‘벤뱅디굴’ 등에도 주민들이 숨어들었다. 그러나 불과 나흘 만인 11월 25일 굴이 발각되었고, 9연대 3대대 군인들에 의해 피신했던 주민들이 체포됐다. 그들 중 18명은 밖으로 끌려나오자마자 곧바로 총살됐다. 나머지는 함덕 대대본부로 끌려가 무자비한 고문을 받았다. 그리고 이튿날 ‘목시물굴’도 발각되어 주민 40여 명이 총살되는 등 선흘마을 주민들은 이 일대에서 많은 희생을 치렀다. 반못굴은 당시 흔적을 찾아볼 수 없으며, 동굴보호차원에서 입구가 막혀 있다. [영문] Banmot Cave (Doteul Cave) Location San26, Seonheul-ri, Jocheon-eup, Jeju City. ‘Banmot Cave’ is also known as ‘Doteul Cave’. It was a shelter for residents who escaped when Seonheul-ri was burned by the security force on November 21, 1948. After their village was burned, some residents escaped to coast villages following the command of the soldiers from the 9th Regiment of the Korean Constabulary. However, many residents who couldn’t leave their livestock and harvest found temporary shelter. They escaped to this ‘Seonheul Got’ with its thick forest and scattered natural caves thinking that ‘This incident will end soon in a few days.’ In ‘Banmot Cave’, approximately 25 young men were hiding. Others escaped to nearby ‘Mokshimul Cave’ and ‘Baenbaengdi Cave’. However, in just 4 days, on November 25, the cave was discovered and soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 9th Regiment arrested the residents, 18 of them were executed on the spot. Others were taken to Hamdeok battalion headquarters and tortured. The next day, ‘Mokshimul Cave’ nearby ‘Banmot Cave’ was discovered as well and approximately 40 residents executed. In like manner, n.any residents of Seonheul were victimized here. There is no trace of the tragedy in Banmot Cave.