www.groovekorea.com / February 2014 14 keY PeoPLe KOREA 4th foor, Shinwoo Bldg. 5-7 Yongsan 3-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea. All rights reserved Groove Korea Magazine 2013 © Publisher Sean Choi sean@groovekorea.com CFO Steve Seung-Jin Lee steve.lee@groovekorea.com Contact Info 010-5348-0212 / (02) 6925-5057 Web, I.T. Dan Himes danhimes@groovekorea.com Marketing Executive Jay Park jpark@groovemedia.co.kr Art Director Park Seong-eun sam@groovekorea.com Editorial Director Elaine Ramirez elaine@groovekorea.com Insight Editor Matthew Lamers mattlamers@groovekorea.com Community Editor Jenny Na jenny@groovekorea.com Editor-at-large John M. Rodgers jmrseoul@gmail.com Manager Peter Chong yschong@groovekorea.com Design Adviser Prof. Kim Duck-mo Executive Director Craig White craig@groovekorea.com For Advertising ads@groovekorea.com For General Inquiries info@groovekorea.com Food & Destinations Editor Josh foreman joshforeman@groovekorea.com Music & Arts Editor Emilee Jennings emilee@groovekorea.com Associate Editor Shelley DeWees shelley@groovekorea.com Copy Editors Jaime Stief, Albert Kim, bruce Harrison, Jan Waeben, Kevin Lee Selzer Accounting Choi Hye-won MARKETInG & ADMInIsTRATIOn ART & DEsIGn EDITORIAL CREDITs - COnTRIBUTORs The articles are the sole property of GROOVE MEDIA CO. Ltd. No reproduction is permitted without the express written consent of GROOVE MEDIA CO. Ltd. The opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. To contribute to Groove Korea, email submissions@groovekorea.com or the appropriate editor. To write a letter to the editor, email editor@groovekorea.com. To have Groove Korea delivered to your home or business, email subscribe@groovekorea.com. To promote your event, email events@groovekorea.com. To advertise, email ads@groovekorea.com. WRITERs & PROOFREADERs Alejandro Callirgos, Alexander Hall, Anita McKay, Anna Schlotjes, Anthony Levero, Brianne Altier, Christine Pickering, Christopher Green, Conor O’Reilly, Conrad Hughes, Daniel Deacon, Daniel Kang, Dave Hazzan, Dean Crawford, Deva Lee, Eileen Cahill, Elaine Knight, Felix Im, George Kalli, Hyunwoo Sun, Ian Henderson, Ian McClellan, Jamie Keener, Jean Poulot, Jenny Clemo, Jonathan Aichele, Jus- tin Chapura, Ken Fibbe, Ken Hall, Leslie Finlay, Liam Mitchinson, Matt VanVolkenburg, Paul Sharkie, Rajnesh Sharma, Rebekah McNay, Remy Raitt, Ron Roman, Ryan Ritter, Sean Maylone, Shireen Tofig, Sophie Boladeras, Stephanie Anglemyer, Stephanie McDonald, Timothy Cushing, Trevor Van Dyke, Victoria Bates, Walter Stucke, Wilfred Lee PhOTOGRAPhERs & ILLUsTRATORs Colin Dabbs, Craig Stuart, Dirk Schlottman, Don Sin, Dylan Goldby, Fergus Scott, James Kim, Jen Lee, Jon Linke, Jungeun Jang, Kevin Kilgore, Matt Treager, Merissa Quek, Michael Hurt, Michael Roy, Min Pang, Nicholas Stonehouse, Nina Sawyer, Pat Volz, Peter DeMarco, Romin Lee Johnson, Sabrina Hill, Sacha Treager, Samantha Whittaker Introducing some of the editors, writers and photographers behind this month’s issue. Dave hazzan sophie Boladeras Jon Linke Canada New Zealand Canada Dave Hazzan eats, writes and drinks in Ilsan. He has been published in Groove Korea, 10 Magazine, The Korea Times, Maximum Rocknroll, The Vancou- ver Sun, Terminal City and elsewhere. His second novel, “The Ash Pilgrimage,” will be released early next year. Check out his website at www.davehaz- zan.com. Dave contributed the cover story to this month’s issue. Sophie was born and raised in the land of the long white cloud also known as New Zealand. She studied journalism and media arts before heading overseas to float around, getting acquainted with a small slice of the world. She is currently freelanc- ing and enjoying all of the delights that Korea has to offer. Sophie contributes the monthly Rock ‘n’ Roll Seoul column. Jon’s spent the better part of his adult life blog- ging and putting his cynical observations in cartoon form. He has bounced around and lived on several continents over the past eight years, taking in a wealth of inspiration. He’s an English teacher by choice and channels a lot of his talents into making his students think he’s cool. Jon draws the comic “E-2.” Christopher Green is manager of international affairs for Daily NK, the world’s premier source of inside North Korea news and opinion. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at Cambridge University and an editor of the periodical Sino-NK, where he publishes the Tumen Triangle Documentation Project, an open access journal on the China-North Korea border re - gion. Christopher contributes the monthly Daily NK column. In pursuit of his multicultural roots, Wilfred Lee left Canada to travel 12 hours into the future and disco- ver what Korea has to offer. Working as a concept designer, he’s also the host for Artist’s Journey, a comedian, musician, writer and animator. He loves meeting interesting people, inspiring others to draw and writing stories about his dreams. Check out the Artist’s Journey podcasts at www.artistsjourney.org. Wilfred writes the monthly Artist’s Journey column. Christopher Green Wilfred Lee U.K. Canada