
Groove readers’ opinions and feedback Letter to the editor At long last, the Malaysian prime minister has announced that his government will release a report on the disappearance of Malay- sia Airlines flight 370. After reading this, I thought, is this really the end of it? Finally, a report that can solve the mystery! But af- ter thinking about it for several minutes, I concluded that maybe it is human nature to want to forget everything quickly. According to a recent study, humans need a change every 12 minutes, and they try to forget or change the issue at hand after short intervals. The Malaysian news has arrived on the heels of the Sewol ferry sinking, en route to Jeju from Incheon on April 16. Just as before, people are thinking about the cause of the accident. Many peo- ple think the disaster was caused by a sudden sharp turn taken by the ship just before 8:50 a.m. Officials have questioned why the captain didn’t give the order to evacuate the ship, even after calls to do so from the Vessel Traffic Services Center. But in the end, the captain was right: He was responsible for more than 400 passengers — how could he have ordered the guests to evacuate the ship when there was no one there to rescue them? There was only a single helicopter with a few boats that arrived on the scene more than half an hour after the initial event. Just as with the Malaysian plane mystery, most of the media have called the Sewol sinking a senseless tragedy. A lot of questions have been raised, including whether this was the fault of a single person and why the sharp turn brought about this tragic event. As human beings, we don’t need to wait for a report to tell us this accident must not be forgotten. Although there are no sat- isfactory answers to all the questions that have been raised, we, as a nation, should continue to pray for the departed souls and think about how can we prevent so-called mysteries like these from recurring. By Arslan Shehzad t H e I n B o X KOREA www.groovekorea.com SubScribe Get Groove Korea delivered to your door every month. All you pay is the postage. Find out more by emailing subscribe@groovekorea.com.