118 진입로에서 30m정도 들어가면 진지동굴들을 볼 수 있다. 몬주기알 서우봉 정상에서 바닷가로 향한 해안절벽을 말한다. 절벽 아래에는 입구는 작지만 내부가 비교적 넓은 천연동굴이 있어, 4·3 당시 북촌민들 뿐만 아니라 함덕주민들도 숨었던 장소이다. 썰물일 때 해안가로 접근이 가능하다. 토벌대의 작전이 최고조에 달했던 시기인 1948년 12월 26일경 4-5명의 여성들이 절벽 위에서 총살당하는 등 많은 주민들이 희생당한 곳이다. [영문] Seoubong’s Imperial Japan’s Military Base Cave and Mon-Ju-Gi-Al (Sacrifice place of Jeju 4 · 3 Incident) Seoubong is also called Western Mountain Peak (Seo-Mo), and on the east side is Bukchon-ri and on the west side is Hamduck-ri at its peak. The eastern area of the mountain peak belongs to Bukchon which occupies 75% of Seoubong. Military Base Cave (Registered Cultural Property No. 309) Nearly 20 military base caves were made on this coast of Seoubong during the Japanese colonial era. The nearest military base cave from here has three entrances and it has shaped like a “ㅌ(Korean Alphabet Ti-geut)” inside. Local residents call it the “Three Brothers Cave.” If you go up above 180m, you will find an access road on the right side, and if you go into about 30m from the access road, you can see the Military Base Cave. Mon-Ju-Gi-Al This is a coastal cliff facing the sea from Seoubong summit. Below the cliff there is a natural cave which has a small entrance, but the inside is relatively wide. Residents from Bukchon and Hamduck hid there during the Jeju 4 · 3 Incident. When the tide ebbs, it is possible to go to the coast. On 26 December, 1948, when the operation of the punitive forces was at its peak, four or five women were shot to death above the cliff, and many other residents were sacrificed.