2) 문제점 ○ 유적지 안내판의 글자가 벗겨져 있어 미관상 좋지 않을 뿐만 아니라 일부 글자를 읽기 어려 움. ○ 옴팡밭으로 들어가는 입구가 계단으로만 되어 있어 이동약자 접근이 어려움. ○ 시각장애인 등을 위한 점자 안내나 음성변환용코드가 부재함. 3) 개선방안 ○ 이동약자 접근권이 보장되도록 경사로를 추가 설치하거나 접근이 가능한 공간에 추가 안내판을 설치해야 함. ○ 시각장애인 등을 위한 음성변환용코드나 점자 안내판을 추가해야 함. ○ 영문 안내판을 아래와 같이 수정할 것을 제안함. 116 8 안내판 설명에 잘못된 정보가 있는가? X 9 인권 ・ 평화 ・ 젠더 감수성이 잘 반영되어 있는가? O 10 역사적 사실에 대해 충실히 설명하고 있는가? O 기타 기존안 수정안 Ompangbat ‘Ompangbat’ means ‘a farming field that has a concave surface’. Ompangbat in Bukchon-ri is one of the places where the Bukchon-ri Incident which saw the most people murdered in a single incident during the Jeju April 3rd Incident occurred on January 17th 1949. At the time, the dead bodies were scattered around the field like ‘white radishes uprooted and spread out’. There is a small grave in the center under which a child who was also killed during the incident was buried. Ompangbat ‘Ompangbat’ means ‘a farming field that has a concave surface’. Ompangbat in Bukchon-ri is one of the massacre sites of the Bukchon-ri incident during the April 3rd. On 17 January 1949, the most number of people were killed in a single incident in Bukchon-ri by punitive forces. where the Bukchon-ri Incident which saw the most people murdered in a single incident during the Jeju April 3rd Incident occurred on January 17th 1949. At the time, the dead bodies were scattered around the field like ‘white radishes uprooted and spread out’. There is a small grave of a child in the center under which a child who was also killed during the t ragic incident. incident was buried.