115 SHUTTER The Protune Shutter setting only applies to the Video and P hoto modes. This setting determines how long the shutter stays open. Scroll between the options on the right side of the Shutter screen to see a live preview of each setting, then tap the one you want. The default setting is Auto. For Photo, the options are Auto, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, and 1/2000 second. For Video, the options depend on the fps setting, as shown below. Shutter Example 1: 1080p30 Example 2: 1080p60 Auto Auto Auto 1/fps 1/30 sec 1/60 sec 1/(2xfps) 1/60 sec 1/120 sec 1/(4xfps) 1/120 sec 1/240 sec 1/(8xfps) 1/240 sec 1/480 sec 1/(16xfps) 1/480 sec 1/960 sec PRO TIP: To reduce the amount of blur in videos and photos when using the Shutter setting, mount your camera on a tripod or other stable surface where it won’t wobble or shake Tech Specs: Protune