
What’s in this issue CONTENTS D E S T I N a T I O N S C O M M U N I T Y M U S I C & a R T S 74 bAEKMA Rock quartet Baekma kicks ass, takes names and reclaims a slang term for promiscuous foreign women 76 ARTIST’S JOuRNEy A passionate sound technician brings quality recording to Korea with Black Swan Audio 78 AT ThE bOx OFFICE “Transformers: Age of Extinction” (June 26) “Edge of Tomorrow” (June 4) 79 DvD CORNER “Born to Sing (전국노래자랑)” “My Paparotti (파파로티)” 80 KICKING up DIRT Seoul’s Ultimate Frisbee players have a league of their own, but no field 82 COMpETITION COuNTDOWN Ireland’s most-attended sport has a place in Korea, and the Seoul Gaels plan to be the champions 84 ShApE up AND FLy RIGhT Come for the community, stay for the support: The Seoul Flyers running club goes much further than fitness 66 KOREA buRN A nomadic art festival modeled after California’s “Burning Man”: If you speak steampunk hipster fluently, your mothership just landed 70 uRbAN ExpLORATION From middle schools and mental hospitals to the occasional morgue, abandoned spaces are an inspiration for photographer Joseph Jung 72 KEEpIN’ IT GROOvy A touch of jazz, a dash of funk, a splash of blues and a sprinkle of pop, Pentasonic is the perfect cocktail for a psychedelic Friday night D I S T R a C T I O N S C a p T U R I N G K O R E a 86 ThE LAST ShOT WiNK Travel’s staff photographer gives a nod to the lanterns and tea fields of South Gyeongsang Province. 92 GROOvE LISTINGS Doctors, travel agencies, restaurants, hotels, airlines, nightclubs and more 96 COMICS 97 GAMES 98 hOROSCOpES 100 pROMOTIONS A selection of deals from around Korea 54 MyANMAR A backpacker explores the fine line between pristine Buddhist pagodas and the nation’s dark, colonial history 60 A TEMpLE STAy FOR ThE TIRELESS Eat, sleep, become a warrior monk. All in a day’s exhausting work at a temple outside Gyeongju 62 SAMChEOK Between the caves and the penis statues, Samcheok is worth seeing for the rocks and the hard places J U N E 2 0 1 4ISSUE 92 86 54 66 Check out our GrooveCast episodes on these stories at groovekorea.com.