
www.groovekorea.com / April 2014 10 MUsIC & ARTsMUsIC & ARTs 64 What’s in this issue COnTEnTs ApRiL 2014 ISSUe 90 THE AnDOnG MAsK MAKER A craftsman from North Gyeongsang Province is reviving the art of shaman mask-making. OnLy In DREAMs If you have an eye for the ethereal and an appreciation for the un-Photoshopped, Lee Jee-young’s images are sure to captivate. deSTINATIONS MUSIC & ARTS 52 - FAsT-TRACKInG In TOKyO There and back again: A Gyeongsang- based expat’s tour of the Tokyo Basin 56 - AT PyOnGyAnG REsTAURAnT, IT’s nOT ABOUT THE FOOD North Korea’s exported restaurants offer mediocre fare with a side of bizarre cultural experience. 62 - MICHAEL ROy The globetrotting artist gives his thoughts on irony, conformity and the street art community. 66 - yUKARI Groove sat down with the multitalented purveyor of “dream pop,” whose new album is written, arranged, mixed and mastered by the artist herself. 68 - JOHn MAyER HITs sEOUL The acoustic legend is making his Seoul debut on May 6. COMMUNITY 74 - CHAnnELInG KOREA With 140,000 subscribers and 1.5 million views, Mina Oh’s Sweet And Tasty YouTube channel has got what you’re craving. 76 - KICK Ass AnD MELT THE PUDGE AWAy Martial arts gym Body & Seoul expands to offer more space and improved facilities in Gyeongnidan. 84 - GROOVE LIsTInGs Doctors, travel agencies, restaurants, hotels, airlines, nightclubs and more 88 - COMICs 89 - GAMEs 90 - HOROsCOPEs 92 - PROMOTIOns A selection of deals around Korea dISTRACTIONS CAPTURInG KOREA 78 - BRInGInG OUT THE COLOR In An AnCIEnT FORTREss From the golden hour to the blue hour, a structural engineer heads to Suwon to shoot the perfect time of day. 70 - ARTIsT’s JOURnEy Yvette Cruz’s blog, District Gal, is helping expats navigate the hive of fashion that is the Korean capital. 72 - AT THE BOx OFFICE “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” (April 24) “Divergent” (April 17) 73 - DVD CORnER “New World (신세계)” “The City of Violence (짝패)” 58