Groove is Korea’s English magazine. Find out what’s new, what’s news and what there is to do. www.groovekorea.com KOREA • Issue 88 / February 2014 You don't know where You'll end up INVITE-ONLY JJIMJILBANG PARTIES HOST SEOUL’S TOP EDM DJS eXplorInG kuAlA luMpur, one reStAurAnt At A tIMe kIM JonG-un’ S ChrIStMAS power GrAb Malaysia’s ‘mixed sauce’ city, forged by diverse cultures to SurVIVe the Cold, turn to koreA’ S Soul-wArMInG CuISIne These fve foods will have you feeling toasty this winter Regardless of sensationalized headlines, Pyongyang’s purge made perfect sense Korea’s blacK racism epidemic IT’S IN THE CLASSROOM, IT’S IN THE MEDIA, IT’S PAINFUL AND IT’S WIDESPREAD. HOW DID IT GET HERE, AND CAN IT BE STOPPED?